
Hello community!

I’ve been challenged to start the hashtag #100DayCodeChallengeby Nisrine Bou Ghannam, and guess what?! Challenge Accepted!! So for the next 100 days, I’ll be sharing my knowledge, learning, and experiences.

Below is my progress from previous days, and I’ll now be updating regularly from today. If you’re up for it, join me on this adventure!


Day 1: Go GitHub Green

Starting your coding journey can be daunting at first, trying to learn it all at once.

When I first dove into coding, I was overwhelmed by the vastness of it all. The endless programming languages, frameworks, tools, and concepts felt like too much to grasp in one go. I remember sitting in front of my screen, looking at tutorials and thinking, “Where do I even start?” It felt like I was chasing a moving target, trying to catch it all at once.

But what I realized over time is that trying to build everything in one day is when I felt the most frustrated. I was pushing myself too hard, setting unrealistic goals for what I could achieve in such a short amount of time. The constant pressure to “get everything right” left me feeling stuck and disheartened.
Then something changed. I started focusing on the small steps—focusing on learning just one thing at a time. I set a goal to commit a small amount of code every day, no matter how insignificant it seemed. The biggest leaps came not when I tried to rush my progress, but when I embraced consistency. Slowly, I began to realize that every line of code, every small improvement, was building the foundation of something bigger.

You may feel like you’re barely improving day by day, but fast forward a year, and you’d see how everything ties together. All those small wins, those tiny green squares on GitHub, they add up.

So trust the process, stay consistent, and keep those squares green :green_square:

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Day 2: Writing Clean Code

I remember feeling proud after submitting a fully functional solution to an assignment I had worked hard to solve in my sophomore year, only to be surprised with disappointing feedback. My professor told me, ‘I don’t care if it works if I have to struggle to understand your spaghetti code.’

That moment stuck with me and taught me a powerful lesson: writing code isn’t just about making it functional—it’s about making it clear, maintainable, and readable.

Functional code solves a problem, but clean code solves it efficiently and allows others (and your future self) to understand and build upon it. Since then, I’ve committed myself to focus on clarity and simplicity, making sure my code reflects these principles:
• Readability: Write code that doesn’t require someone to “decode” your thought process.
• Consistency: Follow patterns and formatting rules, making the logic predictable.
• Documentation: Don’t leave others guessing—use clear comments and meaningful names for variables, functions, and classes.

This experience reminded me of a quote by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob):
“Clean code is simple and direct. Clean code reads like well-written prose.”

:point_right: What I did today:
I revisited one of my older projects and refactored redundant, messy blocks of code into modular, reusable functions. The result? Simpler, cleaner, and more efficient.

:white_check_mark: My clean code checklist:
• Use meaningful names for variables, functions, and classes.
• Keep functions short and focused on a single task.
• Eliminate unnecessary comments—let your code be self-explanatory.
• Stick to consistent formatting and indentation.

Let’s raise the bar for quality! What are your go-to practices for writing clean code?

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Day 3: Unit Testing

As a developer, there’s a special thrill when my code works perfectly, but that excitement can quickly turn to frustration when the QA team tries the most basic tests, which always seem to have slipped my mind. That’s where the importance of thorough testing comes in. Today, I want to dive into one of the fundamental aspects of software testing: unit testing.

Unit testing is a software testing technique that focuses on verifying the individual components or “units” of a software product. These units could be functions, methods, procedures, or even entire objects. In this type of testing, developers (and sometimes QA staff) write tests for these individual pieces of code during the development process.

The main goal of unit testing is to ensure that each unit of code behaves as expected and meets the defined requirements. By isolating specific parts of the software, unit tests allow you to verify that each component is functioning correctly before moving forward. This makes it easier to identify bugs early in the process, reducing the risk of issues later in development or after release.

When code is unit tested, we can confidently confirm that each small piece works as intended, setting the foundation for a solid overall system. And when bugs or errors do appear, they’re easier to trace back to the exact part of the code that’s causing the issue.

Because of the significance of testing, some schools of thought have even encouraged test-driven development, aka TDD, where developers are required to write their unit tests before writing the actual code. TDD forces you to think about the desired behavior of your code upfront, leading to better design choices.

Regardless of one’s support for TDD or not, the unit testing phase must be thoroughly performed, to avoid further errors and trace bugs easily. One cool thing about unit testing is the ability to automate it, making testing never easier. One of the best features of unit testing is the ability to automate it. Once you’ve written your tests, you can set up an automated testing process that runs your unit tests each time you make changes to your code. This is where Continuous Integration (CI) comes in. CI tools can automatically execute unit tests every time new code is pushed to the repository. This ensures that any changes don’t break the existing functionality, giving developers immediate feedback and helping catch issues early!

100daysofcode lebanon-mug

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Day 4: Integration Testing

Starting with a well-known joke:
A QA engineer walks into a bar and orders a beer.
Then, they order 0 beers.
Then, they order 999999999 beers.
Then, they order nothing.
Then, they order -1 beers.
Then, they order NULL beers.

In a nutshell, this joke is one of the best ways to explain what testing is all about!
In my previous post, we discussed unit testing, which focuses on testing individual software components or units in isolation. However, software systems are rarely composed of standalone components. Instead, these components interact and work together to deliver functionality. Testing their individual behavior is essential, but it’s not sufficient.

To ensure the components work harmoniously, we need to test how they interact with one another. This type of testing is known as integration testing. Integration testing is a software testing technique aimed at verifying the interactions and data exchanges between different components or modules of a software application. Its primary goal is to identify and address any issues or bugs that arise when these components are combined and interact with each other.

Ø Integration testing can be done by picking module by module, following a well-defined sequence.

For example, consider an eCommerce website. First, you might test the integration of the user authentication module with the shopping cart module, ensuring that once a user logs in, their cart data persists. The sequence of testing might start with the login functionality, then move to adding items to the cart, and so on. This approach ensures that the interaction between these modules is properly tested in isolation before testing the entire system.

Ø To ensure you don't miss out on any integration scenarios, it’s essential to follow the proper sequence.

Let’s take a scenario where a banking app integrates a fund transfer module with a payment gateway module. First, testing the internal logic of the fund transfer feature (like debit/credit operations) is necessary before checking how it interacts with the third-party payment service (like confirming the payment). Without following the correct sequence, you might miss cases where the payment gateway doesn’t correctly receive or process the fund transfer requests.

Exposing defects is the primary focus of integration testing, especially those that arise from the interactions between integrated units, and the timing of these interactions. For example, consider a login module integrated with a profile update module. If there’s a delay in communication between these modules, the system might show inconsistent data to the user (e.g., the user’s profile updates don’t reflect immediately after logging in). Integration testing would focus on catching such issues where timing or data exchange between modules leads to unexpected behavior.

Each of these examples illustrates the importance of following a sequence, ensuring complete coverage, and focusing on potential issues with interactions and timing in integration testing. Happy testing!

100daysofcode lebanon-mug

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Day 5: System Testing

In the testing hierarchy, the third type of testing is System Testing, which comes after Integration Testing.

System testing, a.k.a. end-to-end (E2E) testing, is testing conducted on a complete software system.

System testing describes testing as at the system level to contrast to testing at the integration or unit level. It focuses on testing the complete workflow or user journey in a system. It can include black-box testing techniques but may also involve white-box testing for backend processes, API integrations, and database validation.

System Testing is similar to demoing a software product. So, if our software product is an e-commerce website, conducting end-to-end testing would typically follow testing the users workflow from login till checkout.

Scenario: Ordering a Product on an E-commerce Platform

Test Objective:
Validate the full functionality of the e-commerce platform, from browsing a product to completing an order.

  1. User Login:
    • Open the website.
    • Navigate to the login page.
    • Enter valid credentials.
    • Verify successful login and redirection to the homepage.
  2. Product Search and Selection:
    • Use the search bar to find a specific product (e.g., “running shoes”).
    • Filter results by brand, size, color, and price range.
    • Select a product from the search results.
  3. Add to Cart:
    • View product details (e.g., description, price, reviews).
    • Choose size and quantity.
    • Click “Add to Cart” and verify that the product appears in the cart.
  4. Checkout Process:
    • Go to the cart and review the selected items.
    • Click “Proceed to Checkout.”
    • Enter shipping information (e.g., address, contact number).
    • Select a payment method (e.g., credit card, PayPal).
    • Verify that discounts, shipping charges, and taxes are calculated correctly.
    • Click “Place Order.”
  5. Payment:
    • Enter payment details and confirm the transaction.
    • Verify successful payment processing.
  6. Order Confirmation:
    • Validate that an order confirmation page appears with an order ID, estimated delivery date, and summary of the purchase.
    • Check that a confirmation email/SMS is sent to the user.
  7. Admin Verification:
    • Log in to the admin portal.
    • Verify that the order appears in the system with accurate details.
  8. Third-Party Integrations:
    • Ensure that the payment gateway processes the transaction successfully.
    • Validate that the shipping partner receives the correct order details.
  9. Order Tracking:
    • Log in as the customer.
    • Go to “My Orders” and track the order status.
  10. Order Delivery and Feedback:
    • Simulate order delivery.
    • Provide feedback or rate the product on the platform.
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Day 6: Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing is the last phase of software testing, which typically involves a client’s stakeholders (management and end users) to guarantee that the software aligns with user needs and business requirements.

It typically involves:
1. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
2. Business Acceptance Testing (BAT)
3. Contract Accepting Testing (CAT)
4. Regulations Acceptance Testing (RAT)
5. Operational Acceptance Testing (OAT)
6. Alpha Testing
7. Beta Testing

Let us take the example of an ecommerce store platform to explain the above terms.

1. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

This involves testing whether the product is working correctly for the user. So, it tests whether the user can place orders, make payments, and track deliveries…

2. Business Acceptance Testing (BAT)

BAT is used to determine whether the product meets the business goals and purposes or not, This can include revenue reporting, inventory management, and customer data processing.

3. Contract Acceptance Testing (CAT)

This tests the developed software against certain acceptance criteria and specifications that are predefined and agreed upon in a contract.

4. Regulations Acceptance Testing (RAT)

RAT is used to determine whether the product violates the rules and regulations that are defined by the government of the country where it is being released. For example, if the software is being developed for use in countries that abide by the GDPR, it must include features like user data encryption, opt-in consent for cookies, and a “delete my account” option.

5. Operational Acceptance Testing (OAT)

OAT focuses on ensuring that the software is ready for deployment in the live production environment. It validates the system’s operational aspects, such as backup and recovery, security, performance under expected workloads, and system monitoring, ensuring that the system can operate smoothly in a production environment.

6. Alpha Testing

Alpha Testing is a type of acceptance testing performed in the early stages of software development. It is typically conducted in-house by the development team or a dedicated quality assurance (QA) team, often with involvement from the client or a limited group of users.

7. Beta Testing

Beta Testing is the phase of software testing where a nearly complete version of the product is released to a limited group of external users (the “beta users”) under real-world conditions.

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Day 7: Building Your Development Skills

One of the best advice I could have received as a student is to gain full stack development skills as early as possible, rather than waiting to learn these in the Web Development Class. Why? Having those skills beforehand enables you to create more advanced and polished projects in class, which can significantly enhance your portfolio.

So, here is the roadmap to get you going:

1. Learn Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React
2. Learn Backend: Node.js, Express.js, Django or Flask
3. Learn Databases: SQL for relational databases and MongoDB for NoSQL perspectives 

But don’t just watch tutorial after tutorial, you need to get your hands dirty. There is a very big difference between declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge and REAL LEARNING happens when you try to build projects yourself.

So, build 2-3 full stack projects with frontend, backend, and database integration. Focus on real-world projects like building an e-commerce platform for your favorite retailer, a booking system for your local hairdresser, or any project of interest with a practical use. I don’t need to mention that these projects better be on GitHub.

Finally, learn to deploy your projects on platforms like Vercel or Heroku.

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Day 8: HTML Forms

HTML forms are a fundamental component of web development. Forms are a structured area on a webpage where users can input data that is sent to a server for processing. They are typically used for several purposes, including:

- Submitting feedback.
- Registering for an account.
- Logging in to a system.
- Searching for information.

Here is a simple example, from mdn web docs:

Enter your name:
Enter your email:

Here, I will outline the key attributes necessary for understanding forms:

1. action

The URL that processes the form submission.

2. method 

The HTTP method to submit the form with. The only allowed methods/values are:

• post: The POST method; form data sent as the request body.
• get (default): The GET; form data appended to the action URL with a ? separator. Use this method when the form has no side effects.
• dialog: When the form is inside a <dialog>, closes the dialog and causes a submit event to be fired on submission, without submitting data or clearing the form.

3. target

Indicates where to display the response after submitting the form.

• _self (default): Load into the same browsing context as the current one.
• _blank: Load into a new unnamed browsing context. This provides the same behavior as setting rel="noopener" which does not set window.opener.
• _parent: Loads the content into the parent browsing context of the current one. If no parent context exists, it functions the same as _self.
• _top: Load into the top-level browsing context (i.e., the browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one and has no parent). If no parent, behaves the same as _self.
• _unfencedTop: Load the response from a form inside an embedded fenced frame into the top-level frame (i.e., traversing beyond the root of the fenced frame, unlike other reserved destinations). Only available inside fenced frames.

100daysofcode lebanon-mug

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Day 9: SEO and HTML, Optimizing Your Webpage for Search Engines

HTML SEO tags are snippets of code that help communicate information about content to search engines. They allow us to emphasize key sections of text, describe images, and provide guidance to search engine bots.
These tags also play a crucial role in shaping how webpages are displayed in search results. By using specific tags, we can improve the likelihood of transforming standard search snippets into rich or even featured snippets. As these snippets become more detailed, HTML SEO tags can enhance a page’s SERP rankings and drive more traffic.

Here, we will discuss the most important tags that can enhance your SEO strategy:

  1. Title tag:

Search engines use title tags to identify the topic of a page and show it in the SERP. In HTML, a title tag appears as follows:

Your Title Goes Here

While in SERPs, a title tag looks like this:

In case you have a famous brand, it is a keen to use it in the title. When users skim the results page, they will be more likely to choose something they recognize.

  1. Meta Description Tag:

A meta description is a brief text summary that describes your page in search results. In HTML, it is written as follows:

While the meta description is not a direct ranking factor, it can still contribute to your search success. A relevant and appealing meta description can encourage more users to click on your snippet, which may lead Google to improve your ranking position over time.

3. Headings (H1-H6):

Headings (H1-H6) are used to divide your page into sections or chapters, serving as sub-titles within the content. In HTML, a heading is written like this:

Your heading goes here

Source: SEO PowerSuite

With the introduction of passage indexing in 2021, Google can treat specific sections of your page as individual search results. So, if your headings are optimized for search, each of them is eligible to become a separate search result. It’s basically like having pages within pages.

The next time you are working for a client, keep those tips in mind to optimize your website for Google’s search engine. Happy Coding!

100daysofcode lebanon-mug

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Day 10: Sending Hidden Input

Imagine this: You launch an exciting marketing campaign, but as traffic starts flowing to your website, you’re left wondering—which platform sent them? Was it your newsletter, Facebook ad, or that new affiliate link? Without proper tracking, it’s like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. That’s where UTM parameters and hidden inputs step in as your behind-the-scenes heroes.

What is an HTML Hidden Input?

Web developers often need to send information through forms that users don’t need to see or modify. Enter the HTML hidden input: a sneaky yet powerful tool that allows data to travel invisibly under the hood. Here’s a quick example:

<input type="hidden">

But what makes this little line of code so indispensable? It’s particularly useful when working with UTM parameters—tiny tags that unlock big insights for marketing campaigns.

What Are UTM Parameters?

Let’s break it down: UTM parameters are tags you add to your URLs to track the performance of your campaigns. They act like digital breadcrumbs, showing you where your traffic is coming from, what’s working, and what’s not.

When a user interacts with your form or website via a marketing campaign, UTM parameters capture the details and often store them in a hidden input field. This allows the server to connect form submissions directly to the campaign that drove them, giving you a crystal-clear view of your marketing efforts.

But what makes this little line of code so indispensable? It’s particularly useful when working with UTM parameters—tiny tags that unlock big insights for marketing campaigns.

The UTM Parameter Breakdown

Here are the five core UTM parameters and how they work:

  1. utm_source Identifies where the traffic comes from.
  • Examples: google, newsletter, facebook, linkedin
    • utm_medium Defines the marketing medium or channel.
  • Examples: cpc (cost per click), email, social, referral
  1. utm_campaign Specifies the campaign or promotion name.
  • Examples: spring_sale, holiday_promo, product_launch
  1. utm_term Tracks specific keywords (primarily for paid search campaigns).
  • Examples: running+shoes, weight+training+equipment
  1. utm_content Differentiates similar links within the same campaign.
  • Examples: logo_link, text_link, button_link

Example of a Full URL with UTM Parameters

Here’s how a URL packed with UTM parameters might look:


This link tells you everything—it’s part of a Google ad campaign for a spring sale, targeting keywords like “running shoes,” and specifically tracking clicks on a text link.

Companies leverage UTM parameters for two major reasons:

  1. Generate Unique Links Tools like Google’s Campaign URL Builder make it easy to create customized UTM links for each campaign, affiliate, or creator.
  2. Track with Analytics
  • Set up goals in tools like Google Analytics to monitor conversions.
  • Filter reports by parameters like utm_source or utm_campaign to measure success.

By effectively tracking these metrics, companies can identify high-performing strategies and pay creators accordingly. It’s a win-win—data for businesses and fair compensation for creators.

100daysofcode lebanon-mug

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Day 11: Blobs

Today in my 100daysofcode challenge, I explored a fascinating concept in web development—Blobs. If you’ve ever downloaded a file from a website, chances are you’ve interacted with blobs without realizing it. In the world of JavaScript, blobs are a powerful way to handle binary data, making them essential for creating downloadable content dynamically.

A Blob (Binary Large Object) is a data type in JavaScript that represents raw binary data. It’s often used to store and manipulate large files like images, videos, or even text. The best part? You can create blobs on the fly and let users download files directly from your web app without needing a server.

Creating and Downloading a Blob

Here’s a simple example of how to use blobs to generate and download a file:

Step 1: Create a Blob

Start by creating a blob object. This could be plain text, JSON, or even a CSV file:

const data = "Hello, World! This is a Blob file.";
const blob = new Blob([data], { type: "text/plain" });

Step 2: Create a Download Link

To make the file downloadable, create a link dynamically and attach the blob to it:



const link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
link.download = "example.txt"; // The name of the downloaded file

This will prompt the user to download a file named example.txt containing your blob data.

Real-World Use Cases

  1. Exporting Data
    Blobs can be used to let users export their data as a CSV or JSON file.
  2. Generating PDFs or Images
    Combine blobs with libraries like jspdf or html2canvas to dynamically generate PDFs or screenshots.
  3. File Upload Previews
    Use blobs to preview uploaded images or videos before sending them to the server.

100daysofcode lebanon-mug

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Day 12: Javascript for People Who Think They’re Bad at It

If JavaScript has ever made you feel like you’re bad at coding, you’re not alone. It’s a weird language—quirky, unpredictable, and honestly a little dramatic. But the thing is, it’s not you. JavaScript just takes time to get used to.

Take == vs. ===, for example. Why does "5" == 5 work, but "5" === 5 doesn’t? The first one just checks if the values are kind of the same (ignoring types), while the second one checks everything, including type. So, always stick to === unless you want surprises.

Or how about this? It changes depending on how a function is called, which is why something like this breaks:

const person = {
  name: "Sara",
  greet: function () {
const greet = person.greet;
greet(); // undefined

When you call greet() on its own, it has no clue what this should point to. Annoying, right?

And don’t even get me started on async code. If you’re still writing something like:

const data = fetch("https://api.example.com");

And wondering why it doesn’t work, remember: JavaScript doesn’t wait for fetch() to finish. You need to use await (and maybe try...catch so it doesn’t explode on errors).

Here’s the thing: JavaScript isn’t something you “master” overnight. It’s more like an unpredictable roommate—you learn to live with it, quirks and all.

100daysofcode lebanon-mug

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Day 13: Storing Images

One of the common mistakes novice developers make when developing apps or websites is storing images directly in their databases. While this might seem like an easy option, it can quickly lead to performance issues as your app grows. Storing large files like images in a database bloats the system, slows down queries, and makes backups more cumbersome. The best approach is to offload image storage to a cloud provider like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure and store only the image URLs in your database.

Here’s why it’s a better solution: cloud storage services are designed for high performance, scalability, and durability. They offer fast access to your files without bogging down your database. For example, AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service) is one of the top choices, providing reliable, scalable, and secure storage for images. Plus, you only pay for what you use, which is much more cost-effective than increasing your database size.

How to use AWS S3 for storing images:

  1. Create an AWS Account: First, you’ll need an AWS account. Go to the AWS website and sign up if you don’t have an account already.
  2. Create an S3 Bucket: Once you’re logged in, navigate to the S3 service and create a new bucket. A bucket is just a container for your files. You can choose your region and configure permissions (be sure to set it to public or private depending on your needs).
  3. Upload Your Image: After your bucket is created, you can upload images either through the AWS console or programmatically via the AWS SDK (for example, using Python or Node.js). Once uploaded, each image will have a URL that can be used to reference it.
  4. Store the URL in Your Database: Now, instead of storing the image itself, store the URL in your database. For example, if you uploaded an image called “product1.jpg,” AWS will provide a URL like https://your-bucket-name.s3.amazonaws.com/product1.jpg. You can then reference this URL in your database as part of the image’s metadata.
  5. Access the Image from Your App or Website: With the URL stored, your app or website can easily retrieve and display the image whenever needed by linking directly to the URL. This keeps your database size small and your app running smoothly.

By using cloud storage like AWS S3, you’re ensuring that your app is scalable, cost-effective, and that your database remains focused on what it’s designed to do—store structured data efficiently.

Happy Coding!

100daysofcode lebanon-mug

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Day 14: Session-Based Authorization

Authorization and authentication are two distinct processes often used interchangeably, but they serve different purposes. Authentication verifies a user’s identity, while authorization ensures that the authenticated user has access to the requested resources. In this article, we focus on how authorization is implemented and compare the traditional session-based approach with modern JWT-based methods.

What is Authorization?

Authorization is the process of confirming that the user making a request to the server is the same user who successfully logged in during the authentication phase. It ensures that the user has the necessary permissions to access specific resources or perform actions.

How it Used to Be Done: Session-Based Authorization

In traditional web applications, authorization relied on server-side sessions. Here’s how it worked:

  1. When a user logged in, the server created a session and generated a session ID.
  2. The session ID was stored on the server and sent to the user’s browser via cookies.
  3. For every subsequent request, the client sent the session ID back to the server.
  4. The server looked up the session ID in its memory, retrieved the associated user information, and verified the user’s access rights.

This approach required the server to manage and store session data, which could become resource-intensive as the number of users grew.

This approach required the server to manage and store session data, which could become resource-intensive as the number of users grew. While effective, it had limitations, especially when scaling applications or supporting stateless architectures.

But what if there was a way to eliminate the need for the server to store session data? A method that could make the system more efficient and scalable?

I’ll leave you at a cliffhanger to learn tomorrow about JWT and how it revolutionizes authorization in modern applications.

100daysofcode lebanon-mug

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Day 15: JWT Authentication

How it’s Done Now: JWT-Based Authorization

A user makes a POST request with their credentials, which is sent to the server, just like session-based authentication. Instead of storing information on the server inside session memory, the server creates a JSON Web Token (JWT), which it encodes, serializes, and signs with its own secret key. A JWT consists of three parts: the header, the payload, and the signature

  • Header: This contains metadata about the token, such as the algorithm used for signing (e.g., HS256) and the type of token (e.g., JWT).

      "alg": "HS256",
      "typ": "JWT"
  • Payload: This contains the claims, which are pieces of information about the user or token, like the user ID, role, and token expiration time.

      "userId": "12345",
      "role": "admin",
      "exp": 1714737600

These are Base64Url-encoded to form the first two parts of the token:

Header (encoded): eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9
Payload (encoded): eyJ1c2VySWQiOiIxMjM0NSIsInJvbGUiOiJhZG1pbiIsImV4cCI6MTcxNDczNzYwMH0

The Signature is then generated by hashing the encoded header and payload together using the secret key:

Signature: HMAC_SHA256(header.payload, secretKey)

The final JWT looks like this:


The server can later verify the token’s integrity by recalculating the signature using the header, payload, and its secret key, ensuring no tampering occurred.

So, in the session-based method the server had to do a lookup operation to find the user based on their session ID. In contrast, the JWT already stores the user information which means it’s stored on the client-side and won’t run into problems where one server has session info and others don’t.

100daysofcode lebanon-mug

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Day 16: Frontend Frameworks

When it comes to building modern web applications, developers often rely on frameworks to streamline development and enhance functionality. Three of the most popular frameworks today are React, Angular, and Vue.js, each offering distinct advantages depending on the needs of the project.

React, developed by Facebook, is a highly flexible JavaScript library for creating interactive user interfaces. React’s component-based structure allows developers to break down a web app into reusable components, making code more maintainable and scalable. It uses a virtual DOM to optimize updates to the user interface, improving performance and speeding up rendering. The React ecosystem also provides various additional tools and libraries, such as React Router for navigation and Redux for state management, making it suitable for large-scale applications that require dynamic content.

Angular, created by Google, is a full-fledged framework that provides a comprehensive solution for building complex, data-driven web applications. Unlike React, Angular is an all-in-one framework that handles everything from UI rendering to data management and routing. Its two-way data binding feature keeps the model and view synchronized in real time, which is particularly useful for applications with complex user interactions. Angular is often the framework of choice for enterprise-level applications due to its robustness, modularity, and strong community support.

Vue.js, designed by Evan You, is known for being lightweight and easy to integrate into projects. Vue provides a balance between the flexibility of React and the comprehensive features of Angular. It uses a component-based structure and a virtual DOM similar to React but includes additional built-in functionalities, such as its own routing system and state management library, Vuex. Vue is especially appealing to developers who want a simple yet powerful framework that can be easily integrated into existing projects without a steep learning curve.

Each of these frameworks excels in different scenarios, making them suitable for various types of web applications. React is best for projects that require a lot of interactivity and flexibility, Angular is ideal for enterprise applications with complex needs, and Vue.js strikes a perfect balance for developers looking for simplicity and ease of integration.

100daysofcode lebanon-mug

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Day 17: Why SQL Still Matters in the Age of NoSQL

A few years ago, a friend of mine was building a startup. He was excited about using the latest tech stack—everything was serverless, NoSQL, and designed to scale. But six months in, his team realized they had a problem: retrieving data was a nightmare. Querying across collections in MongoDB required writing complex aggregation pipelines, and enforcing data integrity meant adding application-level checks. Eventually, they switched back to a relational database—SQL saved them.

This story isn’t unique. As NoSQL databases like MongoDB and Firebase gain popularity, many developers assume that SQL is outdated. But despite the hype, SQL databases remain a crucial tool in modern development. Here’s why they still matter.

The Reliability of Structured Data

Imagine you’re running a financial application where every transaction must be recorded accurately. Would you trust a database that prioritizes speed over consistency? SQL databases enforce ACID compliance (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability), ensuring that transactions are reliable and secure. NoSQL databases, on the other hand, often trade consistency for scalability, making them less suitable for industries like finance, healthcare, and legal compliance.

A Universal Query Language

SQL isn’t just a database; it’s a language that has stood the test of time. Whether you’re working with MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Microsoft SQL Server, you’re using the same structured query language. This universality makes it easier to switch between systems and hire skilled professionals. In contrast, NoSQL databases use different query mechanisms—MongoDB has its own syntax, Firebase relies on document-based retrieval, and Cassandra uses CQL. Learning each of these can be time-consuming and frustrating.

Scalability: The NoSQL Myth

One of the biggest reasons people switch to NoSQL is scalability. Facebook, Google, and Amazon all use NoSQL, so it must be better, right? Not necessarily. Modern SQL databases have evolved to include horizontal scaling, sharding, and partitioning, allowing them to handle massive workloads. Cloud-based SQL solutions like Amazon RDS and Google Cloud SQL make scaling as easy as clicking a button. Unless you’re operating at the scale of Netflix, SQL can handle your needs just fine.

The Power of Relationships

Ever wondered why e-commerce platforms, banking systems, and enterprise applications stick with SQL? It’s because of data integrity and relationships. SQL databases use foreign keys and constraints to ensure that related data stays accurate. NoSQL databases, which often store denormalized data, require developers to enforce relationships at the application level, leading to more complexity and potential errors.

Analytics and Reporting

Businesses run on data, and data-driven decisions require powerful analytics. SQL databases are optimized for reporting, supporting complex queries, OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), and integration with tools like Power BI and Tableau. NoSQL databases, designed for fast reads and writes, struggle with deep analytical queries without additional processing layers.

Regulatory and Security Advantages

If you’re working in industries with strict regulatory requirements—such as GDPR, HIPAA, or SOX—SQL databases are often the better choice. They offer robust security features like role-based access control, encryption, and audit logs, ensuring compliance with legal frameworks.

The Best of Both Worlds

This isn’t to say NoSQL is useless. For applications requiring flexibility, high-speed reads, and distributed storage, NoSQL databases shine. But for structured, transactional, and analytical applications, SQL remains king. In fact, many modern systems adopt a hybrid approach, using SQL for core business logic and NoSQL for caching or real-time features.

Conclusion: SQL Isn’t Going Anywhere

While NoSQL databases have revolutionized how we store and manage data, SQL isn’t fading into obscurity. Instead, it’s evolving. If your application demands data integrity, strong relationships, powerful querying, and compliance, SQL is still the best tool for the job. The database world isn’t about choosing one over the other—it’s about understanding when to use the right tool for the right job.

So next time you’re tempted to ditch SQL for the latest trend.

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Day 18: Understanding the Role of NoSQL in the IoT Revolution

The rapid expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) has generated an immense volume of data, produced by millions of interconnected devices. This data, characterized by its variety, velocity, and volume, presents unique challenges for traditional relational databases, which were designed for structured and predictable datasets.

Take, for example, a smart agriculture system that initially tracks soil moisture and temperature but later integrates sensors for pH levels and nutrient content. With a traditional SQL database, the addition of new data points can easily disrupt existing workflows or require a major overhaul of the database structure.

This adaptability is essential for IoT systems, where innovation and change are constants. As IoT continues to evolve, the need for more agile, scalable, and efficient data management solutions has become crucial. So, NoSQL databases, which offer unparalleled flexibility and scalability, have emerged as an effective alternative for handling the dynamic and ever-growing nature of IoT data.

NoSQL databases such as MongoDB and Cassandra, on the other hand, offer schema flexibility, allowing new data fields to be added dynamically without requiring modifications to the existing structure. This flexibility makes NoSQL solutions a perfect fit for managing IoT data, as it can continuously evolve alongside new sensor types, data formats, and use cases. For example, a smart building’s HVAC system generates constant data streams, such as temperature, humidity, airflow, and occupancy levels, transmitted every few milliseconds. In such cases, the rigid and predefined schemas of relational databases are impractical for accommodating the unpredictable and dynamic nature of IoT data.

Another defining characteristic of IoT data is its high ingestion rate. Millions of devices generate massive data streams simultaneously, creating a need for a database architecture capable of handling such workloads without performance degradation. NoSQL databases, particularly those built with distributed architectures, excel in this area because of their horizontal scaling. This means that as the volume of data increases, additional servers can be added to maintain performance levels.

Rather than viewing SQL and NoSQL as competing technologies, it is essential to recognize that they are tools designed for different applications. Both can coexist within a modern data architecture, each optimized for its specific use case. The decision between SQL and NoSQL should ultimately be driven by the nature of the data, the requirements of the application, and the scalability needed.

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Day 19: Whoop, Your Data is Talking

A friend of mine, returning from vacation, noticed an unexpected pattern in his Whoop data—despite consistently logging the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep a night, his Whoop recovery scores remained below 75%. However, after catching up on rest during his trip, his metrics improved significantly, revealing a deeper level of sleep deprivation than he had realized. This was a relief to me, for I felt like 8 hours weren’t enough for me either.

Rather than accepting advice at face value, let’s see what Whoop has to say. At the heart of Whoop’s functionality is its ability to process large volumes of unstructured sensor data in real time. The device integrates multiple sensors, capturing continuous streams of physiological signals. Whoop isn’t just a fitness tracker—it’s a data-driven system that transforms those raw biometric signals into meaningful insights. By continuously capturing physiological data like heart rate variability (HRV), motion, and breathing patterns, it doesn’t just monitor sleep but understands it.

The real power lies in how machine learning algorithms make sense of these patterns, uncovering trends that would be impossible to detect manually. Instead of using rigid cutoffs to classify sleep stages, models like Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks analyze sequential data to predict transitions between sleep phases. Meanwhile, gradient boosting algorithms refine recovery scores by learning from historical patterns, optimizing training loads based on individual responses. But the true potential extends beyond a single user—through transfer learning, insights gained from one population can be adapted to another, refining models across diverse datasets. Isn’t that amazing?

For computer scientists, this presents an exciting frontier: how do we scale these insights beyond individuals to uncover population-level trends? Analyzing vast datasets enables researchers to explore how sleep, recovery, and exertion vary across demographics, lifestyles, and even geographic regions. With cloud-based analytics and reinforcement learning, systems like Whoop continuously evolve, learning from user behavior to refine recommendations.

But this isn’t just about personal optimization—it’s about decoding human performance at scale, using machine learning to reveal patterns we never knew existed. For those in the field, the challenge lies in designing models that not only predict but also adapt, ensuring insights remain meaningful across diverse populations.
I’ve always loved stories. But as a computer scientist, I get to write the code that tells them in ways we’ve never seen before.

Oh, and by the way, I now sleep 9.5 hours guilt-free—Whoop says it’s okay.

100daysofcode lebanon-mug