Yesterday I updated my macOS to 15.2, today I see that I cannot start my mongo atlas local container. Tried on fresh environment - save result. I have m4 max chip.

nikitakoliadin@MacBook-Pro-Nikita ~ % atlas deployments setup
? What type of deployment would you like to work with? local

[Default Settings]
Deployment Name   local5245
MongoDB Version   8.0

? How do you want to set up your local Atlas deployment? default
Creating your cluster local5245
1/3: Starting your local environment...
2/3: Downloading the latest MongoDB image to your local environment...
3/3: Creating your deployment local5245...
Error: container configuration failed: the deployment is unhealthy

I’m also affected by this issue. No more error reasons given. When using the docker image directly, the container starts and instantly shuts down again with no given reason and error.


Same here, on a new MacBookPro M4 Max.

There is another report of this issue, not mentioning the computer involved, in this post Error: the deployment is unhealthy. A reply suggests another approach, but it also fails the same way.


Yea, same for me when I try to use docker image, container starts and instantly shuts down…

Same Here.
Also being affected from this issue after moving into M4 Pro chip and 15.2 OS

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Any updates !? I really need local atlas …

Happens on M4 Max with MacOS 15.* Any updates ?

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Getting a same issue on M4 Pro MacOS 15. Something is sending a kill/interrupt. Same setup works fine on M2.

atlas  | {"t":,"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":23377,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Received signal","attr":{"signal":2,"error":"Interrupt"}}
atlas  | {"t":,"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":23378,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Signal was sent by kill(2)","attr":{"pid":1,"uid":998}}
atlas  | {"t":,"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":23381,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"will terminate after current cmd ends"}
atlas  | {"t":,"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":4784900, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Stepping down the ReplicationCoordinator for shutdown","attr":{"waitTimeMillis":15000}}
atlas  | {"t":,"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":4794602, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Attempting to enter quiesce mode"}
atlas  | {"t":,"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":7333402, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the DiskSpaceMonitor"}
atlas  | {"t":,"s":"I",  "c":"-",        "id":6371601, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the FLE Crud thread pool"}
atlas  | {"t":,"s":"I",  "c":"ASIO",     "id":22582,   "ctx":"FLECrudNetwork","msg":"Killing all outstanding egress activity."}
atlas  | {"t":,"s":"I",  "c":"COMMAND",  "id":4784901, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the MirrorMaestro"}
atlas  | {"t":,"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":40441,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Stopping TopologyVersionObserver"}
atlas  | {"t":,"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":40447,   "ctx":"TopologyVersionObserver","msg":"Stopped TopologyVersionObserver"}
atlas  | {"t":,"s":"I",  "c":"ASIO",     "id":22582,   "ctx":"MirrorMaestro","msg":"Killing all outstanding egress activity."}
atlas  | {"t":,"s":"I",  "c":"SHARDING", "id":4784902, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the WaitForMajorityService"}
atlas  | {"t":,"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":4784903, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the LogicalSessionCache"}
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Here is solution