Can customers of a managed deployment platform deploy MongoDB community server container?

I have read this one before - SSPL license of MongoDB when deployed on customer premises Someone answered there and it kind of answers what I understood initially about SSPL. But I am looking for specific information and double confirmation regarding this case.

Let’s say a company provides a managed dev/deployment platform to its customers. Customers can deploy services using images. They can also deploy mongodb or other open source dbs. Which deploys a mongodb container. The customers pay for resources e.g. cpu, memory, storage. In this case, the company is not providing any managed mongodb solution, but more like giving customers option to deploy a db of their choice with essentially no managed SLA at all. In this case, is it okay to use the community server under SSPL? Or license must be purchased? If the lincense must be purchased, will the company purchase license for once, and then use the same for each time such containers are deployed? The company will be an early scale startup, so every costing matters for them.

A bit noob with these licensing stuff. Any useful and valid information will be helpful.