
The following classes are available globally.

  • A 128-bit IEEE 754-2008 decimal floating point number.

    This type is similar to Swift’s built-in Decimal type, but allocates bits differently, resulting in a different representable range. (NS)Decimal stores a significand of up to 38 digits long and an exponent from -128 to 127, while this type stores up to 34 digits of significand and an exponent from -6143 to 6144.

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    public final class Decimal128 : RLMDecimal128, Decodable
    extension Decimal128: BSON
    extension Decimal128: Encodable
    extension Decimal128: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral
    extension Decimal128: ExpressibleByFloatLiteral
    extension Decimal128: ExpressibleByStringLiteral
    extension Decimal128: Comparable
    extension Decimal128: RealmCollectionValue
    extension Decimal128: MinMaxType
    extension Decimal128: AddableType
  • A 12-byte (probably) unique object identifier.

    ObjectIds are similar to a GUID or a UUID, and can be used to uniquely identify objects without a centralized ID generator. An ObjectID consists of:

    1. A 4 byte timestamp measuring the creation time of the ObjectId in seconds since the Unix epoch.
    2. A 5 byte random value
    3. A 3 byte counter, initialized to a random value.

    ObjectIds are intended to be fast to generate. Sorting by an ObjectId field will typically result in the objects being sorted in creation order.

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    public final class ObjectId : RLMObjectId, Decodable
    extension ObjectId: BSON
    extension ObjectId: Encodable
    extension ObjectId: Comparable
    extension ObjectId: RealmCollectionValue
  • List is the container type in Realm used to define to-many relationships.

    Like Swift’s Array, List is a generic type that is parameterized on the type it stores. This can be either an Object subclass or one of the following types: Bool, Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, String, Data, Date, Decimal128, and ObjectId (and their optional versions)

    Unlike Swift’s native collections, Lists are reference types, and are only immutable if the Realm that manages them is opened as read-only.

    Lists can be filtered and sorted with the same predicates as Results<Element>.

    Properties of List type defined on Object subclasses must be declared as let and cannot be dynamic.

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    public final class List<Element> : RLMSwiftCollectionBase where Element : RealmCollectionValue
    extension List: ObservableObject, RealmSubscribable
    extension List: RealmCollection
    extension List: MutableCollection
    extension List: Decodable where Element: Decodable
    extension List: Encodable where Element: Encodable
  • MutableSet is the container type in Realm used to define to-many relationships with distinct values as objects.

    Like Swift’s Set, MutableSet is a generic type that is parameterized on the type it stores. This can be either an Object subclass or one of the following types: Bool, Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, String, Data, Date, Decimal128, and ObjectId (and their optional versions)

    Unlike Swift’s native collections, MutableSets are reference types, and are only immutable if the Realm that manages them is opened as read-only.

    MutableSet’s can be filtered and sorted with the same predicates as Results<Element>.

    Properties of MutableSet type defined on Object subclasses must be declared as let and cannot be dynamic.

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    public final class MutableSet<Element> : RLMSwiftCollectionBase where Element : RealmCollectionValue
    extension MutableSet: ObservableObject, RealmSubscribable
    extension MutableSet: RealmCollection
    extension MutableSet: Decodable where Element: Decodable
    extension MutableSet: Encodable where Element: Encodable
  • Map

    Map is a key-value storage container used to store supported Realm types.

    Map is a generic type that is parameterized on the type it stores. This can be either an Object subclass or one of the following types: Bool, Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, String, Data, Date, Decimal128, and ObjectId (and their optional versions)


    Optional versions of the above types except Object are only supported in non-synchronized Realms.

    Map only supports String as a key.

    Unlike Swift’s native collections, Maps is a reference types, and are only immutable if the Realm that manages them is opened as read-only.

    A Map can be filtered and sorted with the same predicates as Results<Value>.

    Properties of Map type defined on Object subclasses must be declared as let and cannot be dynamic.

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    public final class Map<Key, Value> : RLMSwiftCollectionBase where Key : _MapKey, Value : RealmCollectionValue
    extension Map: ObservableObject, RealmSubscribable
    extension Map: Sequence
    extension Map: RealmKeyedCollection
  • A RealmOptional instance represents an optional value for types that can’t be directly declared as @objc in Swift, such as Int, Float, Double, and Bool.

    To change the underlying value stored by a RealmOptional instance, mutate the instance’s value property.

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    @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "RealmProperty", message: "RealmOptional<T> has been deprecated, use RealmProperty<T?> instead.")
    public final class RealmOptional<Value> : RLMSwiftValueStorage where Value : RealmOptionalType
    extension RealmOptional: Equatable where Value: Equatable
    extension RealmOptional: Codable where Value: Codable
  • A RealmProperty instance represents an polymorphic value for supported types.

    To change the underlying value stored by a RealmProperty instance, mutate the instance’s value property.


    An RealmProperty should not be declared as @objc dynamic on a Realm Object. Use let instead.
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    public final class RealmProperty<Value> : RLMSwiftValueStorage where Value : RealmPropertyType
    extension RealmProperty: Equatable where Value: Equatable
    extension RealmProperty: Codable where Value: Codable