
A Realm Configuration defining specific setup and configuration for a Realm instance.

The RealmConfiguration can, for simple uses cases, be created directly through the constructor. More advanced setup requires building the RealmConfiguration through

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Used to create a RealmConfiguration. For common use cases, a RealmConfiguration can be created using the RealmConfiguration.create function.

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object Companion


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Callback that determines if the realm file should be compacted as part of opening it.

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Flag indicating whether the realm will be deleted if the schema has changed in a way that requires schema migration.

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abstract val encryptionKey: ByteArray?

64 byte key used to encrypt and decrypt the Realm file.

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Callback that will be triggered in order to write initial data when the Realm file is created for the first time.

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Configuration that holds details of a bundled asset file used as initial state of the realm file. See SharedBuilder.initialRealmFile for details. null is returned if no initial realm file has been configured.

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abstract val inMemory: Boolean

Describes whether the realm should reside in memory or on disk.

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Maximum number of active versions.

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abstract val name: String

Filename of the realm file.

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abstract val path: String

Path to the realm file.

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abstract val schema: Set<KClass<out BaseRealmObject>>

The set of classes included in the schema for the realm.

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abstract val schemaVersion: Long

The schema version.