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Atlas App Services

Manage User Sessions

On this page

  • Overview
  • Get a User Session Access Token
  • Get a User Access Token Over HTTPS
  • Get a User Access Token from a Realm SDK
  • Refresh a User Session Access Token
  • Refresh a User Access Token Over HTTPS
  • Refresh a User Access Token from a Realm SDK
  • Configure Refresh Token Expiration
  • Set the Refresh Token Expiration In the Admin UI
  • Set the Refresh Token Expiration Over HTTPS
  • Verify & Decode a User Access Token
  • End a User Session
  • Revoke a User's Sessions

App Services manages user sessions with access tokens and refresh tokens. An access token allows anyone that has the token to use the session it's associated with for up to 30 minutes. A refresh token lets you generate a new access token for a session even if the previous token has already expired.

The Realm SDKs automatically manage user access and refresh tokens for you when they connect to App Services. You may want to manage sessions yourself if you're connecting to an API service like the Data API.

You can authenticate a user and receive a user access token directly over HTTPS or through a session managed by a Realm SDK.

You can get an access token by sending an authentication request directly to App Services over HTTPS. The authentication endpoint accepts an HTTPS POST request with a JSON body that contains the user's login credentials. If the credentials are valid, the response contains a user access token.


Your App's authentication endpoint URL depends on the App's deployment model.

Select your App's deployment model to see how to construct the base URL.

You can find the base URL programmatically with the App location endpoint. The response body includes the base URL as the hostname field.

curl '<App ID>/location'
"deployment_model": "LOCAL",
"location": "US-VA",
"hostname": "",
"ws_hostname": "wss://"

To authenticate a user, call the login endpoint, specifying the authentication provider. The login endpoint is <Base URL>/auth/providers/<ProviderType>/login, where <ProviderType> is one of the following types:

  • anon-user

  • local-userpass

  • api-key

  • custom-token

  • custom-function

Append the login endpoint to the base URL, and send an HTTPS POST request with a JSON body that contains the user's login credentials for the chosen provider type:

If the authentication request succeeds, the response body includes access_token and refresh_token values for the user. The access_token is a JSON Web Token (JWT) that you can use to authenticate requests.

"refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.h9YskmSpSLK8DMwBpPGuk7g1s4OWZDifZ1fmOJgSygw",
"user_id": "636aba021728b6c1c03db7f9"

In the Realm SDKs, you can access a logged in user's access token from their User object. The SDKs automatically refresh expired access tokens for SDK operations and you can manually refresh it by calling a method.

To learn more, refer to the documentation for your Realm SDK:

Access tokens expire 30 minutes after they are granted. When an access token expires, you must get a new access token to continue sending requests.

You could acquire a new access token by logging the user in again, but that would require the user to re-enter their credentials. Instead, you can use the refresh token associated with the user's session to get a new access token that's valid for another 30 minutes.

You get the refresh token in the same response as the access token after a successful login.

The session refresh endpoint accepts a POST request that includes the refresh token in the Authorization header. The endpoint URL depends on your App's deployment model.

The Realm SDKs automatically refresh a logged in user's access token if the token is expired at the time of a request.

The SDKs also allow you to manually refresh a user's access token by calling a method on the User object.

To learn more, refer to the documentation for your Realm SDK:

By default, refresh tokens expire 60 days after they are issued. You can configure the refresh token expiration interval for your App to be anywhere between 30 minutes and 5 years inclusive.

Anonymous user refresh tokens have a long expiration time and effectively do not expire. Instead, Anonymous user accounts are automatically deleted 90 days after they are created.

You can configure the refresh token expiration time for all sessions in an App from the Admin UI or Admin API.

To set the refresh token expiration time for all sessions in an App from the Admin UI:

  1. Click App Users in the left navigation menu.

  2. Select the User Settings tab.

  3. Find the Refresh Token Expiration option and click the Edit button.

  4. Enter a time value in the text input and choose the appropriate time unit (e.g. "minutes" or "days") from the dropdown menu.

  5. Click Save.

To set the refresh token expiration time for all sessions in an App from the Admin API, call your App's Set User Refresh Token Expiration Time endpoint with the expiration_time_seconds field of the request body set to your desired expiration time.

curl -X PUT \{groupId}/apps/{appId}/security/refresh_token_expiration \
--data-raw '{
"expiration_time_seconds": 864000

If you successfully update the refresh token expiration time, the endpoint returns a 204 response.

You can decode an access token to verify that it has the correct format and has a valid signature. The decoded response includes other information like when the access token expires.

Call your App's Verify and decode an access token Admin API endpoint with the token in the token field of the request body.

curl -X POST \{groupId}/apps/{appId}/users/verify_token \
--data-raw '{
"sub": "63ed812a43be72c176aa5d21",
"exp": 1676511282,
"iat": 1676509482,
"iss": "63ed812a43be72c176aa5d23",
"domain_id": "5cdb12408e232ac4f9587fe8",
"device_id": "000000000000000000000000"

If the token is valid, you'll receive a 200 response.

If the token is valid but expired, the response indicates that the token is expired rather than containing the decoded JWT.

"token expired"

If the token is invalid, you'll receive a 401 response that contains an error message.

"error": "signature is invalid"

Once a session has been established you cannot end it individually, though you can revoke all of a user's active sessions.

You can effectively end a user session by deleting all copies of the access token and refresh token. This prevents further access to the session and requires the user to authenticate and start a new session to continue.

Each Realm SDK has a User.logOut() method that deletes local copies of the access token and refresh token and invalidates the refresh token so that it can't be used to get a new access token.

If a user account is deleted, either by an administrator or by the user, then all of the user's sessions are automatically revoked.


Keep Tokens Secure

Even if you delete and invalidate all copies of a token that you have, that does not end the active session on the server. If a malicious user copied the access token before it was deleted, they could use the token to make requests for up to 30 minutes until it expires. These requests would appear to come from the user who "logged out".

You can revoke all of a user's current sessions. This invalidates the session access and refresh tokens and prevents the user from making any requests on any device until they log in again.

If a user account is deleted, either by an administrator or by the user, then all of the user's sessions are automatically revoked.

← Manage User Accounts