Windows Installer Commandline Options


currently I am updating our MongoDB installer script in which I install MongoDB 7.0.14 quietly from the command line. What I got so far is this:

‘msiexec /lxv mdbinstall.log /qb /i “$ROOT\MongoDB_Installer\mongodb-windows-x86_64-7.0.14-signed.msi” INSTALLLOCATION=“$INSTALL_PATH” SHOULD_INSTALL_COMPASS=“0” ADDLOCAL=“ServerService”’

Which is working. However, I have troubles to start the service. Using the Windows service settings Log On → This account: Network Service, MongoDB won’t start. The server starts when I execute it directly and if I try the service Log on setting with the local Systems account, the server starts as well. Thus, it is likely related to the permissions of the involved folders. I gave the data, log and bin folder that MongoDB is using full permissions for the Network Service account, still no joy. Here I am currently stuck and ideally someone may already have a hint for me.

However, I did some more debugging. If I start the .msi installer with user interface, I get directed to a window in which I configure the service settings. After installing MongoDB this way, it works miraculously with the logon as Network Service. Apparently, there is some more magic happening in the user interface execution of the windows installer or I am missing an argument for the installer.

In my old install script, I used a slightly different command, namely ADDLOCAL=“ServerService,LegacyClient”. Since this command line execution worked just fine with MongoDB 4.4, I it for the msi of MongoDB 7.0 as well. Even though the installer guide ([](MongoDB Install)) actually mentions this option as well, I am getting “error DEBUG: Error 2711: The specified Feature name (‘LegacyClient’) not found in Feature Table.”

So my question is, is there a way to look into the feature table of the .msi ? My hope would be that there is another argument which will make the service work …
Kind regards,

Actually, the installer execution sets the permission correct. A subsequent step from my side was actually causing the issue. The solution was ensuring the permissions of the .exe, .cfg and the bin and log folder. The .cfg file was missing.
Problem solved, however I could not find the feature table of the .msi and did not find out why the LegacyClient did not work.

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