Telegram sent to MongoDB doesn't properly get through

Not really sure what tags to put, but here’s what I’m trying to do:
Connect to a local community edition server using TCP/IP
Create a byte buffer and send it via TCP/IP into mongodb using a custom simple wire protocol driver
This is from a PLC (programmable logic controller) more specifically a Siemens S7-1510SP-1

Here’s my problem:
I have got everything working except, it sends data perfectly fine for 3096 (always) telegrams, then the next sending freezes, I’ve tested making a simple TCP/IP listener, which successfully recieves way more than that (tested 10000 telegrams), then when i reboot mongodb service or restart the sending its ok, but this should not be a neccessity/cant be for my use. There is no data in mongod.log that shows that an error occured, I am using MongoDB 8.0 on beta on Win 10 but i’ve tested with same result in 7.0, tested in time series collection and with normal collection. The sending from the tcp socket simply freezes with status from the PLC simply saying that theres a transaction in progress. The entire telegram is also completely constant for testing purposes and looks like this (pseudocode):

  struct MsgHeader {
    messageLength: 111,
    requestID: 1, // only dynamic thing, added to upon sending
    responseTo: 0,
    opCode: 2013 // OP_MSG
  uint32 flagBits = 256;
  Sections[] sections = {
    insert: "coll", // collection
    $db: "db", // database
    documents: [{
      ts: new Date(),
      meta: 16384,
      test: 0

But this is of course built up using a byte buffer

I don’t know what to do about this, unsure even where to begin looking. I’ve also tried different firewall settings, but the PLC (simulated) device and the MongoDB server are on the same computer, with same result.

What i figured out is that I have to recieve something from MongoDB after that many telegrams, if i dont it freezes, what i did earlier is that i only sent

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