Join us for an exciting evening of tech talks designed to elevate your MongoDB Atlas skills and simplify your API integration woes. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting with MongoDB, this meetup is your gateway to efficient full-text search and a unified API experience.


:mag: Talk 1: Efficient Full Text Search in MongoDB Atlas
Speaker: Alex Sergeyev, Senior Technical Lead at HiQ

Description: This technical presentation is tailored for developers actively engaged with MongoDB Atlas. Alex will delve into crucial topics such as field mapping, analyzers, weighting, scoring, advanced search syntax, and query optimization. These are fundamental aspects for fine-tuning your full-text search capabilities within MongoDB Atlas. The session promises to be hands-on, with all code shared on GitHub for further exploration. Perfect for those seeking to enhance their MongoDB skills with practical, real-world examples.

:gear: Talk 2: One API that Rules Them All
Speaker: Pierre Petersson, Advisory Solutions Architect

Description: Building software in today’s dynamic landscape often involves juggling multiple tech stacks and mastering various APIs. While it’s exciting, it can also be overwhelming, especially when the business demands rapid feature releases. Imagine having a developer data platform that simplifies this complexity, supporting you in building multiple use cases seamlessly. In this talk, you will discover MongoDB Atlas as a developer data platform and how it provides you with one API to rule them all. Pierre will demonstrate building the Lord of The Rings Game, showcasing the platform’s capabilities as we embark on a quest to find the Ring of Power.

:busts_in_silhouette: Who Should Attend:

  • MongoDB Developers
  • Tech Enthusiasts
  • API Integrators
  • Software Engineers

:tickets: Registration:
RSVP to secure your spot at this must-attend tech meetup! Limited spaces available.

:point_right: To RSVP - Kindly click on the “✓ RSVP” link located at the top of this event page if you’re planning to attend. The link should change to a green button once you’ve successfully RSVPd. Make sure you’re signed in to access the button and secure your spot for the event!

Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your MongoDB skills, simplify your API landscape, and connect with fellow developers. Join us for an evening of knowledge sharing, networking, and hands-on experiences!

Free Event

If you’d like to speak at one of our events, please let us know! MongoDB User Group - Call for Proposals


Event Type: In-Person
Location: AWS Stockholm, Malmskillnadsgatan 36, 111 57 Stockholm, Sweden



Alex Sergeyev

Senior Technical Lead at HiQ


Pierre Petersson

Advisory Solutions Architect, MongoDB



Claire Hardman

Integration Consultant


Gentle Reminder: The event is tomorrow and we hope to see most of you there! :slight_smile:

Some photos from the event: