We’re pleased to announce the 0.4.3 release of PyMODM - the Pythonic ODM for working with MongoDB!
This release includes a fix for Python 3.8 support.
For a full list of the issues resolved in this release, visit https://jira.mongodb.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=13381&version=27387.
To install:
$ python -m pip install pymodm
To upgrade:
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pymodm
Don’t know what PyMODM is and want to learn? Check out our Getting Started guide.
Complete documentation for the project can be found at Read the Docs.
If you’ve found a problem or want to request a feature, please open a new Jira
ticket in the PYMODM project: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/PYMODM. You can
also get involved with the community and ask questions in the MongoDB Community Forum.