I want to know about the best practices for paginated query on collection.
I am using skip based pagination in application and Graphql as a API layer.
Let’s say there is a User
collection with more than 100K Documents.
So, in Graphql query resolver, I am doing two parallel calls,
- Fetching user document from
collection (pagesize: 10 and pagenumber: 1)
- Fetching total user document count from
collection (db.collection.countDocuments())
These two call will happen for every page (eg. for page: 2, 3, 4, …)
So, My question is that, is this the proper way to handle the paginated query or these two calls (data fetch and count fetch) will add an overhead to the mongodb pod/container?
Note: Here, we want skip based pagination, no cursor based pagination.
Thanks in advance
Hi @Nisarg_Bhatt2 ,
To implement pagination you can use a single aggregation pipeline instead of hitting two calls (Data & Count).
Here are the best practices for implementing pagination as follows:
// Method 1: using $setWindowFields
// {write your logic here},
$setWindowFields: {
sortBy: {
sortField: -1 // to ensure the data is in the correct order
output: {
docCount: {
$count: {}
$skip: 0
$limit: 10
it will add the total count in each document in the query output.
// Method 2 : using $facet
// {write your logic here},
$facet: {
documents: [
$sort: {
sortField: -1 // to ensure the data is in the correct order
$skip: 0
$limit: 10
docCount: [
$count: "count"
docCount: {
$first: "$docCount.count"
It will give a count and data in a single document.
With the above aggregations can fulfill your requirement and hit only one time to the database instead of two calls.
I hope this helps!