Getting Started With MongoDB And Atlas Search.

About this Event.

Join us at Nairobi University for an exciting event aimed at introducing participants to the world of MongoDB and Atlas Search. MongoDB is a leading NoSQL database used by organizations worldwide for its flexibility, scalability, and performance. Atlas Search, a powerful feature of MongoDB Atlas, enables developers to build fast and relevant search experiences directly within their applications.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer looking to enhance your skills, this event is designed to provide you with practical insights and hands-on experience. Our speakers will cover topics such as the fundamentals of MongoDB, how to leverage Atlas Search to improve search functionality in your applications, and best practices for integrating MongoDB into your projects.

Note that participants stand a chance to win awesome swags! :gift:from MongoDB. Lunch :pizza: is on us :blush:.


  1. (10:30 AM to 11:00 AM) - Arrival of Attendees & Introductions.
  2. (11:00 AM to 1:00 PM) - Getting Started with MongoDB
  3. (1:00 pm to 1:45 pm) - Lunch Break
  4. (1:45 pm to 3:30 pm) - Atlas Search and AutoComplete
  5. (3:30 PM) - Attendees will have the opportunity to network as the event concludes


Event Type: In-Person
UoN Towers, 4th Floor, Mlt 405, University of Nairobi Main Campus.


Felix Omuok

Software Engineer

Felix is a seasoned Software Engineer with extensive experience in database management and application development. . With a knack for innovation, he excels in leveraging MongoDB to create scalable solutions.

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Cliff Oganda

Software Engineer

Cliff is a software engineer specializing in the MERN stack. He has experience building web applications using MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. He enjoys sharing his experience in using MongoDB.


I’ll try to attend the event


The event day is finally here :partying_face:. Remember to carry a laptop for the hands-on session. :man_technologist::woman_technologist: