MongoDB on Gemini and GCP Cloud technologies:

Join Bengaluru, MongoDB User Group and Google for developers for a Saturday Brunch filled with interactive sessions, games, and fun at Wissen Infotech, Bengaluru on May 18th 2024.

We have sessions that include learning about MongoDB on GCP :chart_with_upwards_trend: and how using performance insights can help you analyze and improve your database performance.

We will also have fun Networking Time to meet some of the developers, customers, architects, and experts in the region. Not to forget there will also be, Trivia :question: Swags :tshirt: , and Lunch. :stuffed_flatbread::


Please register here to secure your spot.


Event Type: In-Person
Location: Wissen Infotech


09:30 AM - 10:00 AM : Welcome and registration
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM : MongoDB .explain()nation by Saqib Subhan, Sr Manager Contentstack
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM : High Tea
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM : Building a Multimodal RAG application using MongoDB Atlas Vector Search and Google Gemini by Nikhil Rana, Cloud Consultant AI, Google Cloud
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM : Trivia
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM : Demo and hands on
12:45 PM - 01:00 PM : Vote of thanks
1:00 PM onwards Lunch and Networking


Saqib Subhan
Senior Manager / Sr Technical Architect - Databases


Google for Developers:

Wissen Infotech
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Not Able to register for this Meetup.

Hey @saurabh_sharma,
Here’s the registration link: MongoDB Community Events

After filling the RSVP Information, Page Showing :- “There was an error with your action. Please try again later.”
Could you please register me for this event.

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Sure @Sourabh_Sharma we will register you for the same and also work on the issue :slight_smile:

Registration link throwing below error @DarshanJayarama @Harshit

#Request Header Fields Too Large

Error parsing headers: ‘limit request headers fields size’

Looking into it @Srinivas_Mutyala. Thanks for sharing the details.

Do we get any confirmation mail from MongoDB after registration? or only registering is fine?

Hey @Sourabh_Sharma @Srinivas_Mutyala The issue should be resolved now. Let us know if you are unable to RSVP :slight_smile:

Hey Adtiya,
No email is sent during registration at the moment, but a reminder email with all the details will be shared close to the event.

Was facing error issues before but now it has been fixed. Successfully registered for the event!!

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