The MongoDB Go Driver Team is pleased to release version 1.17.0 of the MongoDB Go Driver.

This release adds support for client authentication using OpenID Connect (MONGODB-OIDC), and for the Queryable Encryption Range Protocol. The driver now supports MongoDB 8.0. Additionally, IndexView has been extended to include methods for dropping indexes by key (i.e. DropOneWithKey and DropWithKey).

This is the last planned minor release in the 1.x series. Future driver versions will be in the 2.x series. The v1.17.x will still receive security and bug fixes for a year.

For more information please see the 1.17.0 release notes.

You can obtain the driver source from GitHub under the v1.17.0 tag.

Documentation for the Go driver can be found on and the
MongoDB documentation site.
BSON library documentation is also available on
Questions and inquiries can be asked on the MongoDB Developer Community.
Bugs can be reported in the Go Driver project in the MongoDB JIRA
where a list of current issues can be found.
Your feedback on the Go driver is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
The Go Driver Team


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