Hyderabad MUG: MongoDB Atlas Charts & Practical Anomaly Detection at Scale With PromQL

Hyderabad MongoDB User Group is organizing a :boom: power packed :boom: event on :spiral_calendar: Saturday, December 7, 2024, at 11:00 AM IST at :round_pushpin:91Springboard - Kondapur, Hyderabad!

About the event

The theme of the event is to discuss about MongoDB Charts and Practical Anomaly Detection at Scale With PromQL

We have identified some :100: top notch speakers :100: with vast experience and knowledge, and we can’t tell you how :star_struck: excited we are for this one!

Time Topic
11:00 AM Registration and Networking
11.15 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks by the event host about MUG, MongoDB
11:30 AM Speaker 1: Radhakrishnan Jankiraman(Practical Anomaly Detection at Scale With PromQL)
12:30 PM Break and Networking
12:45 AM Speaker 2: Chanda Raj Kumar(MongoDB Atlas Charts)
01:30 PM Lunch/Networking/Tech Game/Puzzle w/ Swags to Win!


Event Type: In-Person
Location: 91Springboard - Kondapur, Hyderabad



Radhakrishnan Jankiraman


Chanda Raj Kumar


jayantmd (3)

Jayant Acharya


Chanda Raj Kumar

Dear Participant’s,

Please find the today event pictures using the below link

MUG Dec 7

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