Join us in the adventure of #100DaysOfCode

#100DaysOfCode :woman_technologist: :man_technologist:

The #100DaysOfCode challenge is intended to help you develop a learning habit by being publicly accountable:

:timer_clock: Code a minimum of an hour a day for the next 100 days
:bird: Share your progress every day

It is a journey of discipline, commitment, and learning. I have always been inspired by working together when we help each other grow. :people_holding_hands: Working alone is great but working together yields amazing and impossible results. We all help and encourage each other with new learnings a nd problem solutions. :muscle:

I originally suggested this as a team-building exercise with some of my colleagues, and @Kushagra_Kesav enthusiastically joined me in the challenge. We both are very inspired and challenge each other every day. We are on Day 08 and all our learnings have been penned down on our Twitter and Medium blog. :books: I am currently learning front-end development and Kushagra is learning React JS.

:tada: We have been enjoying the learning so much that we are now excited to take the challenge to the next level: inviting our wider MongoDB Community to join us.


#LetsCollaborate :star_struck:

We all would like to have you all join us on this habit-forming, relationship-building, and technology learning journey of 100 Days.

#FunThingsToDo :partying_face:

The 100Days is not restricted to any one technology, Pick any topic you are interested in learning

  • Javascript
  • Kotlin
  • Android/iOS
  • MongoDB/Realm
  • “<insert your interest here”>

We would follow the guidelines as stated on the official #100DaysOfCode website, along with some MongoDB Community fun :smiley:

:spiral_calendar: Code every day for 100 days, make a streak
:bird: Tweet about what you learned using #100DaysOfCode, #MongoDBCommunity hashtags
:spiral_notepad: Create your topic on the forum and post the tweet series of 100 days on the same topic starting with Day1

If you have already started and are on any Day X, please feel free to create a topic and all references of your tweets starting from Day 01. Feel free to refer to mine or Kushagra’s post as example

Now let’s talk about some Recognition :wink:


I promise this will all be a lot of fun. We definitely have badges and surprises for consecutive days of sharing your progress :smiley: You will earn the badge and the fun naming on your profile

:dizzy: 1 Day of Code Using MongoDB (Database Dabbler)

:sparkles: 10 Days of Code (Code Wrangler)

:boom: 25 Days of Code (Committed Coder)

:star2: 50 Days of Code (Code Ranger)

:fire: 75 Days of Code (Coding Legend)

:trophy: 100 Days of Code (Coding Centurion)

I hope you are as excited as I am to #buildtogether :smiley:

Cheers, :performing_arts:


Badges for intrepid adventurers!

Thanks to @Allison_Mui & @henna.s, we have a shiny new set of badges to recognise your progress in this challenge.

If you earn one of these special badges, they can also be used as a custom title in the Community Forums.

:dart: To earn a badge you will have to share your daily progress posts in your own topic in The Treehouse category, similar to our first adventurers:

Badge designs will be revealed as soon as they are earned by someone in the MongoDB Community. Click on a badge design or title to see who has earned this badge so far. Will you be next?


Unlocked Badges

Database Dabbler

Participate in #100DaysOfCode challenge and share at least one day of learning MongoDB or Realm.

Code Wrangler

Participate in #100DaysOfCode challenge and share your daily learnings for 10 consecutive days.


A post was split to a new topic: The Journey of #100DaysOfCode (@JasonNutt14)

G’day folks,

:tada: @henna.s has just unlocked the Committed Coder badge:

Committed Coder

Participate in #100DaysOfCode challenge and share your daily learnings for 25 consecutive days.

If you haven’t been following The Journey of #100DaysOfCode (@henna_dev) updates so far, her daily updates include some learnings shared in Henna’s Medium blog. If there’s something you’d like her to write more about, :heart: or comment on her updates for encouragement ;-).

You can also follow updates on the Community Forums or other channels like Medium or Twitter if you have a preference and the author is cross-posting there. If there is a channel you’d find more convenient for updates, that would also be great feedback for your favourite posters.

One More Thing

Henna is also sharing weekly Realm Bytes updates in the forums with some more insight into common questions about MongoDB Realm & Realm SDKs. These are driven by community discussion and suggestions, so if there’s something you’d like covered in Realm Bytes please comment on one of the Realm Bytes topics or start a new discussion in a MongoDB Realm forum category.



G’day folks,

:partying_face: @Kushagra_Kesav and @henna.s have both completed an amaaaaazing 50 days of coding and sharing and have are now more than halfway through their 100 Days of Code journey!!!

They have just unlocked the Code Ranger badge (which can also be used as a title in the forum):

Code Ranger

Participate in #100DaysOfCode challenge and share your daily learnings for 50 consecutive days.

Please check out their journeys (and all of our intrepid challengers) via the 100daysofcode tag. If you find any particular posts of interest, please give our challengers some encouragement with a :heart: or reply.



G’day folks,

@Kushagra_Kesav and @henna.s have reached 75 days of coding and sharing and are now three quarters of the way through their 100 Days of Code journey!!!

They have just unlocked the Coding Legend badge (which can also be used as a title in the forum):

Coding Legend

Participate in #100DaysOfCode challenge and share your daily learnings for 75 consecutive days.

Impressive commitment to the challenge and some great daily updates :star_struck:



I already completed the 100daysofcoding, and now I conquer the 150daysofcoding, I am sharing my LinkedIn-“” & GitHub-“CCAnkit (Ankit Gupta) · GitHub” Link for the reference. #100daysofcode #mongodb #Javascipt #coding

G’day folks,

I have inspiring news to share! Many brave adventurers have started the 100 Days of Code Challenge, but few have the tenacity to complete the journey.

Please join me in congratulating @henna.s and @Kushagra_Kesav, the first challengers to complete a 100 Days of Code challenge in the MongoDB Community Forums. :raised_hands: :100:

:trophy: They have unlocked the legendary Coding Centurion badge!

Coding Centurion

Participate in #100DaysOfCode challenge and share your daily learnings for 100 consecutive days!
