i would like to combine or correlate two collections from different databases (different replicaset)
- what options i have to join that collections?
- programmatically how i can combine?
- python code?
i would like to combine or correlate two collections from different databases (different replicaset)
Thank you for the question @giribabu_venugopal2! You could try something like this:
from pymongo import MongoClient
# Connection to first MongoDB replica set
client1 = MongoClient('mongodb://<username>:<password>@primary1:27017,secondary1:27018/?replicaSet=rs0')
db1 = client1['database1']
# Connection to second MongoDB replica set
client2 = MongoClient('mongodb://<username>:<password>@primary2:27019,secondary2:27020/?replicaSet=rs1')
db2 = client2['database2']
collection1 = db1['collection1']
collection2 = db2['collection2']
# Fetch data from both collections
# Apply any filters you need to reduce the data size
docs1 = list(collection1.find({}))
docs2 = list(collection2.find({}))
combined_data = []
# Assuming 'common_key' is the field present in both collections
docs2_dict = {doc['common_key']: doc for doc in docs2} # Create a dictionary for efficient lookup
for doc1 in docs1:
common_key_value = doc1.get('common_key')
if common_key_value in docs2_dict:
combined_doc = {**doc1, **docs2_dict[common_key_value]} # Merge documents
Hope that helps!