Install MongoDB Community on Windows using msiexec.exe


I am creating a PowerShell script that will install MongoDB silently.

$installerPsi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$installerPsi.FileName = "msiexec.exe"
$installerPsi.Arguments = "/l*v mdbinstall.log /qb /i `"$installerFilePath`" ADDLOCAL=`"ServerNoService,ServerService,Router`""
$installerPsi.UseShellExecute = $false
$installerPsi.CreateNoWindow = $false
# Start the process and wait for it to complete
$installerProcess = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($installerPsi)

After following the guide at: Install MongoDB Community on Windows using msiexec.exe

The bin has created with the files:

08/08/2024  02:35 PM               542 mongod.cfg
04/24/2024  06:14 PM        66,371,584 mongod.exe
04/24/2024  06:14 PM     1,041,952,768 mongod.pdb
04/24/2024  06:15 PM        40,086,016 mongos.exe
04/24/2024  06:15 PM       592,146,432 mongos.pdb
               5 File(s)  1,740,557,342 bytes

After running Mongod using:

# Construct the command
$command = "--replSet $replicaSetName --dbpath `"$dbPath`" --bind_ip $localIP --port $port --setParameter allowMultipleArbiters=true"

# Define process start info
$mongodPsi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$mongodPsi.FileName = "mongod"
$mongodPsi.RedirectStandardInput = $true
$mongodPsi.UseShellExecute = $false
$mongodPsi.Arguments = $command

# MongoDB instance should run in background
$mongodDbProcess = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($mongodPsi)

I can’t reach the instance when I am trying to initialize the ReplicaSet:

MongoServerError[NodeNotFound]: replSetInitiate quorum check failed because not all proposed set members responded affirmatively: failed with Couldn't get a connection within the time limit

Now the Interesting part…

if I am using the msi gui and click "Next,I accept…,Complete,Next,Install MongoDB Compass (V) Next, Install.

I succeed with the initialization of the ReplicaSet.

Please help me make the silent installation equivalent to the GUI steps I did.
(I have a feeling that the (V) on the Compass configures the firewall rules)


To clarify, I am trying to reach that MongoDB instance from another PC, lets call him PC 2.
PC 2 is able to communicate with other instances on PC’s 3 and 4.
The communication fails only with the PC with the silent installation.