It’s a privacy setting that I’m trying to create. In it, the $geoNear calculates a distance called distance_calculated which returns a number. that number is compared to the users nonpreferences.distance.min & nonpreferences.distance.max to create a privacy circle that prevents them from turning up in another user’s query. I’ve added a small value for edge cases that adds 0.001 to the distance_calculated for users who might want privacy from other users in their immediate area.
my issue is that even though a users distance.min might be zero, they are still turning up in another user’s query. How do I prevent this?
const pipeline = [
$geoNear: {
near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [longitude, latitude] },
distanceField: "dist_calculated",
spherical: true,
query: {
gender_identity: gender,
age: { $gte: age_min, $lte: age_max },
minDistance: min_distance,
maxDistance: max_distance,
$addFields: {
dist_calculated: {
$cond: {
if: { $eq: ["$dist_calculated", 0] },
then: 0.0001,
else: "$dist_calculated",
$match: {
$expr: {
$or: [
{ $lt: [
"dist_calculated",{$ifNull: ["$nonpreferences.distance.min", Infinity]} ] },
{ $gt: ["dist_calculated", {$ifNull: ["$nonpreferences.distance.max", -Infinity] }] }