Hello @Michael_Gamble,
Thank you for joining our community here at MongoDB.
My name is Brock and I would like to be as of much assistance to you in this matter as I can.
I would encourage subscribing to MongoDB Support (Atlas Developer subscription is fine) with your account details and if you have it, the name of your Atlas cluster and we can maybe see if we can recover it for you.
To subscribe for a support subscription (it’ll be around $50 USD)
I cannot make any promises or garuntees, but we will do our best and try for you.
To subscribe to support you go into Atlas.
Click Account Management >> Bottom left second from the bottom click Support, then click on the Developer Support Plan. You DO get a 30 day free trial offering at the present time.
Then make a ticket and include the following:
Your billing details/account information.
The cluster name (what you think you named it as close as you can)
Cluster service provider (Azure, AWS, GCP)
Shared Tier or Dedicated Tier etc.
When you deleted it.
The name of any Realm apps.
If we can restore your application and its data, we will. But again, I cannot make any promises on this. But the sooner a support ticket is made to us, the sooner that we can try to help you with this situation.
Our Technical Services Team takes these matters seriously and does its best to create a positive result. But do keep in mind that situations like this can be limited.
In regards to your other query, it depends what is going on with the application as many things are rather simple fixes.
You want to start with schema driven development as a best practice, and build your Realm Objects from there. As Realm and Atlas are JSON based data formats, and referencing Realm Objects in code varies from language to language.
Technical services can help with this to a point as well for helping with technical issues with setting up your Realm application. We just need a better break down of what you’re trying to do, what’s happening, and why you feel it’s jumbled up.
We also have professional services whom can architect your application but at additional cost. But firstly if you would like us to try and recover your lost application and data, the above is the first series of steps.