I want to restore mongodb data from digital ocean to AKS (kubernetes)
error connecting to host: failed to connect to mongodb server selection error: server selection timeout, current topology: { Type: ReplicaSetNoPrimary, Servers
Please tellme how i can solve above issue and also im having one-more issue
inside mongodb-0 POD …i have data of 2.2GB that im trying to restore using this command
kubectl exec -it MONGODB-POD-NAME -n mongodb – /bin/sh
mongorestore --drop --dir=/home/DATABASE_NAME --uri="mongodb://mongodb-0.mongodb-service-mongodb.svc.cluster.local,mongodb-1.mongodb-service.mongodb.svc.cluster.local,mongodb-2.mongodb-service.mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017/DATABASE_NAME?replicaSet=rs0"
after that i got above error and data is save into this folder tmp/data/dump-mongodb after 1 day i check it show empty inside tmp directory any idea what happening event logs are notthing to read