I have create a Replicat Set of Mongodb with 3 nodes, one Primary and two Secondary. The priority is the same on the 3 nodes.
I configure the monitoring of each node with using the template "MongoDB node by Zabbix agent2.
My Zabbix configuration and version of MongoDB:
Zabbix server : 6.4.12
Zabbix agent2 : 6.4.12 with MongoDB plugins
MongoDB sever : 7.0.6
When I switch to a different node of MongoDB (switch from Primary to one of Secondary), the Zabbix monitoring failed on the following Items:
- MongoDB Number of replicas
- MongoDB: Number of unhealthy replicas
- MongoDB: Unhealthyl replicas
and some other like MongoDB: Preload …
The error on the Zabbix server is :
2020684:20240315:154226.627 error reason for “svx-lab-04m.unifr.ch:mongodb.rs.total_nodes[ReplicaMGDB]” changed: Preprocessing failed for: {“$clusterTime”:{“clusterTime”:{“T”:1710513744,“I” :1},“signature”:{“hash”:{“Subtype”:0,“Data”:"pV…
- Failed: cannot extract value from json by path “$.members[?(@.self == “true”)].totalNodes.first()”: no data matches the specified path
2020684:20240315:154226.627 error reason for “svx-lab-04m.unifr.ch:mongodb.rs.unhealthy_count[ReplicaMGDB]” changed: Preprocessing failed for: {“$clusterTime”:{“clusterTime”:{“T”:1710513744,“I” :1},“signature”:{“hash”:{“Subtype”:0,“Data”:"pV… - Failed: cannot extract value from json by path “$.members[?(@.self == “true”)].unhealthyCount.first()”: no data matches the specified path
2020684:20240315:154226.639 error reason for “svx-lab-04m.unifr.ch:mongodb.rs.unhealthy[ReplicaMGDB]” changed: Preprocessing failed for: {“$clusterTime”:{“clusterTime”:{“T”:1710513744,“I” :1},“signature”:{“hash”:{“Subtype”:0,“Data”:"pV… - Failed: cannot extract value from json by path “$.members[?(@.self == “true”)].unhealthyNodes.first()”: no data matches the specified path
What is wrong ? What I need to configure ?
What I don’t understand with Replica set configuration ?
I need help