On our Device Sync page for our App Service, we suddenly have the message “Application has a large number of unsyncable documents”. When we look at our unsynced_documents table, all the unsynced ones have the message “document is missing required field(s): [isRework]”
However, when I cross-reference those same documents in our actual collection (called “entries”, those “missing” values are there. So why are we getting this message? What could be causing that (mistaken?) discrepancy between unsynced_documents and the actual collection? And how can we fix it?
On a side note, when I look at the state_entries collection in the realm_sync database (which I assume corresponds to the entries collection in our actual database), the ‘isRework’ field is missing for those documents that also have an entry in the unsynced_documents table
If we add the ‘isRework’ field to those documents that are missing it in the state_entries collection, will that resolve our problem? Or will that adversely affect our App Service and actual database? Are there dangers in doing that?
Thanks, anyone, who can help!