Guidance Needed for Migrating MongoDB from AWS ARM to GCP x86

Hi Everyone,

Our team is considering a migration of our MongoDB instances from ARM-based virtual machines on AWS to x86-based machines on Google Cloud Platform. As this is uncharted territory for us, we are looking for insights or documentation on the best practices for such a migration.

Specifically, we’re interested in:

  • Steps for migrating data and services without significant downtime.
  • Performance tuning tips for MongoDB on GCP x86 instances.
  • Potential pitfalls or compatibility issues we should anticipate.

We aim to make this transition cost-effective while ensuring the reliability and performance of our systems. Any shared experiences or resources would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi @NILDEN_TUTALAR and welcome to the community forum!!

To migrate the data from AWS to GCP, you can follow the documentation available from GCP on Migration from AWS to GCP.

I believe for any questions regarding the migrations you can reach out to the GCP community forums and they would be able to help you with more relevant resources.

Please do not hesitate to reach out in case of further questions.

Best Regards