:wave: Welcome to the MongoDB Developer Community Forums!

We’re very excited to help you join, share, and contribute to the MongoDB community. Here are a few FAQs to get you started with the forum.

What is on-topic for discussions and events?

Anything related to learning, using, developing, or otherwise working with MongoDB products, services, and ecosystem. Each category on the site has a general description of the expected discussion topics. If you’re unsure where to post, choose the most likely category.

Some common starting points are:

As a last resort, there is also Other MongoDB Topics for general MongoDB discussion.

Additionally, there are some categories to help you meet and network with other community members, such as:

  • Welcome – introduce yourself and learn about other community members
  • Open Source Projects – discussion about open source projects built on MongoDB technologies
  • The Treehouse – casual, off-topic discussion

Are these official support forums?

No, these are forums for public community discussion and collaboration. MongoDB team members are active on the forum, but anyone in the community is encouraged to share their experience and advice. There are no SLAs or guarantees of response, and some patience may be needed for questions requiring more specific expertise or asked over weekends or holiday periods.

If you have an urgent production issue or are looking for 24x7 SLA-based support, you may want to consider MongoDB Support.

Do you have any tips for interaction?

Some general suggestions that may help with getting responses:

  • You are likely to get a faster response (or have fewer rounds of back and forth clarification) if you can include more details that might help someone else reproduce or understand your environment: software versions used, error messages, or steps to reproduce. Sample documents, expected output, and attempted queries would be helpful for query or aggregation questions.

  • If a discussion isn’t getting enough responses, adding an additional post with extra information or an update on your progress is a good way to “bump” that topic for attention.

Where should I ask questions about billing or service issues for MongoDB Atlas?

If you have a billing or service issue with MongoDB Atlas, please contact the Atlas support team. Even if you do not have a Support Subscription, you should always have access to the free Basic support plan which includes in-app chat support for operational questions specific to your account.

Is there a new user tutorial for Community Forums?

Indeed! If you haven’t already, be sure to respond to @leafiebot in your message inbox for a quick walk-through of basic UI elements in this site. Complete the tutorial to earn your first badge! :trophy:

Are there any guidelines for expected behavior?

Yes. All community members are expected to follow our MongoDB Code of Conduct to make this a welcoming, friendly community for all.

If you see posts that may need assistance from the moderation team (for example, for formatting or content issues), please flag posts for moderator review or assistance.

What should I read next?

Check out more of the guides and tips in the Getting Started category, including:

Do you have feedback on how we can improve the community?

If you have feedback about your experiences with the site or our community, please post in the Site Feedback category or send us a direct message at moderators@mongodb.com.

We’re here to help!

If you are having any trouble with the site or your account, please send us a message at communityhelp@mongodb.com.


A post was split to a new topic: Filling Out Your Bio

A post was split to a new topic: Managing and subscribing to notifications

A post was split to a new topic: Trust levels and forum privileges

A post was split to a new topic: Badges and recognition

A post was split to a new topic: How to Write a Good Post/Question

A post was split to a new topic: Groups and private categories

A post was split to a new topic: Data privacy

A post was split to a new topic: Likes for helpful topics and posts

A post was split to a new topic: Flagging posts for moderation assistance

A post was split to a new topic: Mentioning other users