GeoJSON Query and Aggregation

Hello everyone!

I’m new to MongoDB and would like to ask for help/hint with the following use cases:

I have 3 collections: user, request,offer

I am storing the geoJSON point only in the user collection as an optional value (can be changed in the profile page) togeter with a default maxDistance = 5000 m for selecting the Range.
I would like to have queries/aggregations from my API that does the following:

  • fetch all requests with status 0,1 whithin the maxDistance to the current user
  • calculates a fild distance (virtual or calculated field) for the requests / offers to see which requests/offers are how far from the logged in users geocoordinstes.

i tried the following functions to manage the above goals. i could manage both to work with 2 separated routes, but i would like to combine them into one. I get an errmsg: “$geoNear, $near, and $nearSphere are not allowed in this context, as these operators require sorting geospatial data. If you do not need sort, consider using $geoWithin instead.”

the codes i was using:

const distanceQuery = await User.aggregate([
      // Step 2: Lookup the user info (including their geoLocation)
        $match: {
          // Step 1: Calculate distances using $geoNear
          "addressObj.geoLocation": {
            $geoNear: {
              near: {
                type: "Point",
                coordinates: [Lon, Lat],
              distanceField: "distanceToUser", // The field that will contain the calculated distance
              maxDistance: maxDist, // The maximum distance in meters
              spherical: true, // Use spherical distance calculation (more accurate for large distances)
      // Step 4: Project the fields you want to return
         $project: {
           _id: 1,
           distanceToUser: 1, // Include the calculated distance

    // Find requests where rUserId geolocation is within the maxDistance
    const requestsWithinDistance = await Request.aggregate([
        $lookup: {
          from: "users",
          localField: "rUserId",
          foreignField: "_id",
          as: "User",
        $match: {
          "User.addressObj.geoLocation": {
            $geoWithin: {
              $centerSphere: [[Lon, Lat], maxDist / 6378100], // Convert maxDistance from meters to radians
          rStatus: { $in: [0, 1] },
         $project: {
           // "User.addressObj.geoLocation": 1, // include only the geoLocation object
           _id: 1,
           rCategory: 1,
           rText: 1,
           rDate: 1,

    // Return the filtered requests with distance info
    res.status(200).json(distanceQuery, requestsWithinDistance);

Thanks for any hints/tips in Advance!```