Hello there,
Due to some reasons, cannot have a replica set enable, so cannot use (change streams), etc…
I am trying to basically compare 2 collections, see where are the differences, and send the missing data from one db to another. (It can happens both directions)
Where did I arrive?
I have a working solution ( although I need to do more tests), but I want to know if there is a better way to do this. (without using change streams…)
I start with a QMap(called matrix) (I am using QT with cpp) where I store the differences between database 1 and 2, and with this I can create a query, for every missing element in the other db.
mongocxx::options::find opts{};
opts.projection(make_document(kvp("_id", 0)));
bsoncxx::builder::basic::array array;
for (auto map = matrix.constBegin(); map != matrix.constEnd(); map++) {
int machineId = map.key();
int value = map.value();
qDebug() << machineId << value;
kvp("machineId", machineId),
kvp("operationId", make_document(kvp("$gt", value)))
Since that, I can create a cursor
auto cursor = collectionSource.find(make_document(kvp("$or", array)), opts);
And after that, I just need to create a QVector and iterate over the cursor to add documents to the vector, so I insert it into the ‘collectionTarget’. I decided to do 50 documents at a time, to have less calls to the db.
QVector<bsoncxx::document::view> documentsToInsert;
for (auto &&doc : cursor) {
qDebug() << bsoncxx::to_json(doc);
if (documentsToInsert.size() >= 50) {
documentsToInsert.clear(); // Clear after insertion
qDebug() << "Inserted 50 documents...";
// Insert remaining documents
if (!documentsToInsert.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << "Inserted remaining documents: " << documentsToInsert.size();
Is there a better way to approach this??