When trying to setup atlas deployment inside a Docker container, I keep getting the error about unhealthy deployment.

sh-4.4# atlas deployments setup
? What type of deployment would you like to work with? local

[Default Settings]
Deployment Name local1789
MongoDB Version 7.0
Port 27017

? How do you want to set up your local Atlas deployment? default
Creating your cluster local1789
1/2: Starting your local environment…
2/2: Creating your deployment local1789…
Error: the deployment is unhealthy

Hi @Amardeep_N_A! Thank you for trying out our local experience for Atlas.

A few months ago, we started providing a more Docker-friendly solution for local deployments, i.e. you don’t need to run the Atlas CLI inside Docker, you can just run a docker container that includes everything you need to develop locally with the core database, Atlas Search and Atlas Vector Search. Detailed instructions are here: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/cli/current/atlas-cli-deploy-docker/.