I have the following docker compose file:
services: mongo: image: mongodb/mongodb-atlas-local:8.0 environment: - MONGO_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG - MONGO_VERBOSE=1 - MONGOT_LOG_FILE=/dev/stdout - RUNNER_LOG_FILE=/dev/stdout volumes: - ./docker-compose/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:ro ports: - "27017:27017"
My init script init.js looks like this:
db = db.getSiblingDB('test'); db.createCollection('personen'); db.personen.insertMany([ {"name": "Hans Hansen", "email": "hans.hansen@example.com"}, {"name": "Gerda Grün", "email": "gg@example.com"} ]); db.personen.createSearchIndex( "testSearchIndex", { mappings: { dynamic: true } } );
When the docker container starts I see the following error message on the console:
{"time":"2024-11-26T22:36:31.352382037Z","level":"DEBUG","msg":"MongoServerError: Using Atlas Search Database Commands and the $listSearchIndexes aggregation stage requires additional configuration. Please connect to Atlas or an AtlasCLI local deployment to enable. For more information on how to connect, see https://dochub.mongodb.org/core/atlas-cli-deploy-local-reqs.","file":"/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.js"}
What can I do to get this local setup running?