com.mongodb.MongoQueryException: Command failed with error 11600 (InterruptedAtShutdown)


Been seing a lot of com.mongodb.MongoQueryException: Command failed with error 11600 (InterruptedAtShutdown) recently. We recently upgraded to version 7.0.4 on our Atlas cluster - running on 3 nodes on M10 tier.

This is only happening in a part of an application which uses MongoDb Change Stream functionality. So the change stream stops because of this error, but other mongo operations continues to work in the application.

Using the mongo scala driver version 4.11.1

Did not have these issues previously - so it might seem it started around the server upgrade.

Here is the full error message:
com.mongodb.MongoQueryException: Command failed with error 11600 (InterruptedAtShutdown): 'interrupted at shutdown' on server The full response is {"topologyVersion": {"processId": {"$oid": "65819ec9af578442e5b7378d"}, "counter": 11}, "ok": 0.0, "errmsg": "interrupted at shutdown", "code": 11600, "codeName": "InterruptedAtShutdown", "$clusterTime": {"clusterTime": {"$timestamp": {"t": 1703081575, "i": 2}}, "signature": {"hash": {"$binary": {"base64": "Z42NgYiIkOMoKIWxi47XZuxAFsE=", "subType": "00"}}, "keyId": 7256850797147717634}}, "operationTime": {"$timestamp": {"t": 1703081575, "i": 2}}} (of class com.mongodb.MongoQueryException)

Any input to why is this happening?

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