Change stream pipeline on nested fields


I have a schema liket this in a ‘portal’ collection

  enterprise: {
    name: 'Company',
    street: 'foo',
    iban: '123456789',
    bic: '123456789'
  salt: 'mskfjlzjrjzjreofskfns',
  hashPassword: 'pjsdfknsfjiejgfqkùgjlr',

To detect change on iban or bic field. I use this pipeline

    const pipeline = [
        $match: {
          operationType: 'update',
          $or: [        
            { 'updateDescription.updatedFields.enterprise.bic': { $exists: true } },
            { 'updateDescription.updatedFields.enterprise.iban': { $exists: true } },

But it’s don’t work

I have test different strategy, but with no success:

    const pipeline = [
        $match: {
          operationType: 'update',
          $or: [        
            { "updateDescription.updatedFields.enterprise.iban": { $exists: true } },
            { "updateDescription.updatedFields.'enterprise.iban'": { $exists: true } },
            { "updateDescription.updatedFields['enterprise.iban']": { $exists: true } },
            { "updateDescription.updatedFields.['enterprise.iban']": { $exists: true } },

If i test the same thing on a field with no dot notation it’s work

    const pipeline = [
        $match: {
          operationType: 'update',
          $or: [        
            { 'updateDescription.updatedFields.salt': { $exists: true } },
            { 'updateDescription.updatedFields.hashPassword': { $exists: true } },

How to write or working pipeline on fields with dot notation ?

Thank in advance for your help

Read the following thread. At first sight it looks like it is the same issue.

Yes it’s the same issue.

The result is : It’s not possible. It’s not a bug, it’s a limitation.

I was told by a MongoDB staff member that it was a feature limitation, rather than a bug! I don’t have the level of paid service with Mongo for specific queries to be answered, but a sales rep chased it up for me and mentioned it wasn’t a bug.
I suspect still that it’s a bug but that was the information I was told.

I have not worked with change streams a lot but as for your problem i think it can be solved by using $getField operator which mongo recently launched just to cater use cases like this where the field names contains special characters like dot (.) and dollar ($).

Really thanks for your response it’s work

here the code :

    const bankFields = ['bank', 'iban', 'rib', 'bic'];
    const pipeline = [
        $match: {
          operationType: 'update',
          $expr: {
            $or: string) => ({
              $ne: [
                  $type: {
                    $getField: {
                      field: `enterprise.${field}`,
                      input: '$updateDescription.updatedFields',
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Too bad $getField doesn’t support the $ operator for arrays.

I have a new problem: I’m trying to detect a push in an array.

Here’s a basic sample schema:

  userIds: [

during push ‘789’ in userIds I receive
updateDescription.updatedFields: { 'userIds.3': '789'}

during remove ‘789’ in userIds I receive
updateDescription.updatedFields.userIds: ['123', '456']

Thise pipeline don’t work:

   const pipeline = [
        $match: {
          operationType: 'update',
          $expr: {
            $ne: [
                $type: {
                  $getField: {
                    field: 'userIds.$',
                    input: '$updateDescription.updatedFields',

if this can help other users, actually I use this pipeline

  • I don’t filter event in the $match, I filter received event in the changeStream watch function
  • I use a $project, to delete the case of remove an element of the array
const pipeline = [
        $match: {
          operationType: 'update',
        $project: {
          // with this projection, we can delete the case of removing an id of userIds
          'updateDescription.updatedFields.userIds': 0,
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Hi, guys,

After reading this thread I want to share my weird case to see if anyone can help, Im having an issue about monitoring changes in a collection.
I have a nested property that I want to monitor, and I used this approach:

for (String property : Fields.PROPERTIES_TO_MONITOR.keySet()) {
                    "{'updateDescription.updatedFields." + property + "': {$exists: true}}")

        List<Bson> pipeline = List.of(
              "operationType", Arrays.asList("update", "replace", "insert"))
                        Filters.or(new ArrayList<>(orFilters))

where the keyset returns something like this: “phone_number”, “mobile_phone_number”, “settings.communication.notes”, this works for the first two, but not for any nested property.

so, after reading this thread I opted for the getField approach:

var fieldsToMonitor = Fields.PROPERTIES_TO_MONITOR.keySet();
        List<Bson> pipeline = List.of(
                      "operationType", Arrays.asList("update", "replace", "insert")),
                                        new Document("$or",
                                                .map(field -> new Document("$ne", Arrays.asList(
                                                        new Document("$type",
                                                                new Document("$getField",
                                                                        new Document("field", field).append("input", "$updateDescription.updatedFields")

this works great for “phone_number” or “settings.communication.notes”, the weird part is that is NOT working for both at the same time, if I update “phone_number” I can get the updated_fields, with “phone_number” in it, and when I update “settings.communication.notes” I also get the updated_fields with the notes in it, but if I update the two properties, I just get the “phone_number” (and any other NON nested property).

I hope someone can help me with this.
thanks in advance