I’d like to edit atlast JSON schemas in webstorm, push them to gihub and have them deploy to atlas device SDK. How can I get some basic schema validation during development? When I work directly the web portal I get hints about valid types, etc, but in an IDE I don’t know that I’ve made a mistake until I push and attempt to deploy.
The docs say the schema declarations extend json-schema - is there a URL to this extension so that I can tell webstorm how to validate my files?
(Florence Gayhart)
To enable basic schema validation for editing Atlast JSON schemas in WebStorm and ensure seamless deployment to the Atlas Device SDK, you can follow a few steps. Atlast JSON schemas extend the JSON Schema standard, but specific details about their extensions may not be publicly documented with a URL. However, you can configure WebStorm to validate against JSON Schema by referencing the schema file directly in your project settings or JSON files using JSON Schema Reference comments. This approach helps WebStorm understand and validate your schema against Atlast’s specifications, providing real-time feedback on schema correctness as you edit. Ensure that the JSON Schema file or its reference accurately reflects Atlast’s schema extensions to catch errors early in development, rather than encountering them during deployment. By integrating these validation practices into your workflow, you can improve schema accuracy and streamline deployment to Atlas devices through GitHub integration and automated deployment pipelines.
Best Regard,