On this page
{ type: "InconsistentIndex", description: "<string>", details: { namespace: "<string>", info: <document> } }
inconsistency documents contain the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
| string | Type of inconsistency document. Returns a value of |
| string | Describes the nature of the inconsistency found in the metadata. |
| document | Document with additional information on where the inconsistency exists in the database and sharded cluster. |
| string | Indicates the database and collection where the inconsistency exists. |
| document | Information on the inconsistent index. |
Use the db.adminCommand()
method to call the
db.adminCommand( { checkMetadataConsistency: 1, checkIndexes: true } )
The method returns a cursor with a batch of documents showing the inconsistencies
found in the sharding metadata. The example below shows a cursor with
a InconsistentIndex
inconsistency document:
{ cursor: { id: Long("0"), ns: "test.$cmd.aggregate", firstBatch: [ { type: "InconsistentIndex", description: "Found an index of a sharded collection that is inconsistent between different shards", details: { namespace: "test.authors", info: { missingFromShards: [ "shard-rs1" ], inconsistentProperties: [ ], indexName: "index1" } } } ], }, ok: 1 }