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DDL Operations

On this page

  • Explicit DDL Operations
  • Implicit DDL Operations

DDL (Data Description Language) operations change the properties of a database or collection. MongoDB supports both Explicit DDL Operations and Implicit DDL Operations. Explicit DDL operations directly run an operation like creating or dropping a collection or index. Implicit DDL operations create collections by referencing a non-existent collection, like inserting data into a non-existent collection.

MongoDB supports the following explicit DDL operations:

  • cleanupStructuredEncryptionData

  • cloneCollectionAsCapped

  • collMod

  • compactStructuredEncryptionData

  • convertToCapped

  • create

  • createIndexes

  • drop

  • dropDatabase

  • dropIndexes

  • enableSharding

  • movePrimary

  • renameCollection

  • refineCollectionShardKey

  • reshardCollection

  • shardCollection

MongoDB also supports write operations such as insert or update with upsert:true. Any command that writes to a non-existing collection creates that collection.

For example, this insert command creates the users collection if it does not already exist.

insert: "users",
documents: [ { _id: 1, user: "abc123", status: "A" } ]

This update command with upsert: true creates the people collection if it does not already exist.

update: "people",
updates: [
{ q: { name: "Andy" }, u: { $inc: { score: 1 } }, upsert: true }

