Create an Index
On this page
Indexes support efficient execution of queries in MongoDB. If your application is repeatedly running queries on the same fields, you can create an index on those fields to improve performance for those queries.
To create an index, use the createIndex()
method or equivalent method for your driver. This page shows examples
for the MongoDB Shell and drivers.
About this Task
When you run a create index command in the MongoDB Shell or a driver, MongoDB only creates the index if an index of the same specification does not exist.
Although indexes improve query performance, adding an index has negative performance impact for write operations. For collections with a high write-to-read ratio, indexes are expensive because each insert and update must also update any indexes.
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To create an index in mongosh
, use
db.collection.createIndex( <key and index type specification>, <options> )
To create an index using the .NET driver, use MongoCollection.CreateIndex.
collection.CreateIndex( IndexKeys<collection>.<key and index type specification>, <options> );
To create an index using the Async Java driver, use com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection.createIndex.
collection.createIndex( <key and index type specification>, <options>, <callbackFunction>)
To create an index using the Java driver, use com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection.createIndex.
collection.createIndex( <key and index type specification>, <options> )å
To create an index using the
Motor driver,
await db.collection.create_index([(<key and index type specification>)], <options> )
To create an index using the
Node.JS driver,
use createIndex()
collection.createIndex( { <key and index type specification> }, function(err, result) { console.log(result); callback(result); } )
To create an index using the Perl driver, use create_one().
my $indexes = $db->get_collection( <collection> )->indexes; $indexes->create_one( [ <key and index type specification> ] );
To create an index using the
PHP driver, use
$collection->createIndex(<key and index type specification>, <options>);
To create an index using the Python driver, use the pymongo.collection.Collection.create_index method:
db.collection.create_index([(<key and index type specification>)], <options> )
To create an index using the Ruby driver, use Mongo::Index::View#create_one.
client[:collection].indexes.create_one({ <key and index type specification> }, {options})
To create an index using the Scala driver, use org.mongodb.scala.model.Indexes.
collection.createIndex(<key and index type specification>)
This example creates a single key ascending index on the
db.collection.createIndex( { name: 1 } )
This example creates a single key ascending index on the
collection.CreateIndex( IndexKeys<collection>.Ascending("name") );
This example creates a single key ascending index on the
collection.createIndex(Indexes.ascending("name"), someCallbackFunction());
This example creates a single key ascending index on the
This example creates a single key ascending index on the
await collection.create_index([("name", pymongo.ASCENDING)])
This example creates a single key ascending index on the
collection.createIndex( { name : 1 }, function(err, result) { console.log(result); callback(result); } )
This example creates a single key ascending index on the
my $indexes = $db->get_collection( <collection> )->indexes; $indexes->create_one( [ name => 1 ] );
This example creates a single key ascending index on the
$collection->createIndex(['name' => 1]);
This example creates a single key ascending index on the
collection.create_index([("name", pymongo.ASCENDING)])
This example creates a single key ascending index on the
client[:collection].indexes.create_one({ name: 1 })
This example creates a single key ascending index on the
You can use mongosh
to monitor the creation of your index.
To see what indexes exist on your collection, including indexes that are currently being built,
run the db.collection.getIndexes()
[ { v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: '_id_' }, { v: 2, key: { name: -1 }, name: 'name_-1' } ]
To check if your index is being built, use the $currentOp
aggregation stage to return information about active operations on your database.
To run $currentOp
in mongosh
, use the db.aggregate()
method on the admin
The following aggregation pipeline uses the $match
stage to return information
about an active operation that builds a descending index on the name
db.getSiblingDB("admin").aggregate( [ { $currentOp : { idleConnections: true } }, { $match : {"command.createIndexes": { $exists: true } } } ] )
[ { type: 'op', host: '', desc: 'conn584', connectionId: 584, client: '', appName: 'mongosh 2.3.4', clientMetadata: { ... }, active: true, currentOpTime: '2024-12-05T16:13:35.571+00:00', effectiveUsers: [ { user: jane-doe, db: 'admin' } ], isFromUserConnection: true, threaded: true, opid: ..., lsid: { ... }, secs_running: Long('3'), microsecs_running: Long('3920881'), op: 'command', ns: 'example_db.collection', redacted: false, command: { createIndexes: 'collection', indexes: [ { name: 'name_-1', key: { name: -1 } } ], apiVersion: '1', lsid: { id: UUID('570931be-c692-4963-b9e2-1e279efd9702') }, '$clusterTime': { clusterTime: Timestamp({ t: 1733415063, i: 32 }), signature: { hash: Binary.createFromBase64('z0zaUHJ5SfhNQyvQLhocsKRFNbo=', 0), keyId: Long('7444956895695077380') } }, '$db': 'example_db' }, numYields: 0, queues: { ... }, currentQueue: null, locks: {}, waitingForLock: false, lockStats: { ... }, waitingForFlowControl: false, flowControlStats: { acquireCount: Long('3') } }, ... ]
MongoDB marks index builds in various stages, including waiting on commit quorum, as an
idle connection by setting the active
field to false
. The idleConnections: true
setting includes these idle connections in the $currentOp
To view information on existing indexes using a driver, refer to your driver's documentation.
Learn More
To learn how to create indexes in MongoDB Compass, see Manage Indexes in the Compass documentation.
To see how often your indexes are used, see Measure Index Use.
To learn how to specify the name of your index, see Specify an Index Name.
To learn how MongoDB builds indexes, see Index Build Process.