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Configure Audit Filters


Auditing in MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas supports auditing for all M10 and larger clusters. Atlas supports specifying a JSON-formatted audit filter as documented below and using the Atlas audit filter builder for simplified auditing configuration. To learn more, see the Atlas documentation for Set Up Database Auditing and Configure a Custom Auditing Filter.

MongoDB Enterprise supports auditing of various operations. When enabled, the audit facility, by default, records all auditable operations as detailed in Audit Event Actions, Details, and Results. To specify which events to record, the audit feature includes the --auditFilter option.


mongod and mongos bind to localhost by default. If the members of your deployment are run on different hosts or if you wish remote clients to connect to your deployment, you must specify --bind_ip or net.bindIp.

Before you bind to other ip addresses, consider enabling access control and other security measures listed in Security Checklist to prevent unauthorized access.

The --auditFilter option takes a string representation of a query document of the form:

{ <field1>: <expression1>, ... }

To specify an audit filter, enclose the filter document in single quotes to pass the document as a string.

To specify the audit filter in a configuration file, you must use the YAML format of the configuration file.

The following example audits only the createCollection and dropCollection actions by using the filter:

{ atype: { $in: [ "createCollection", "dropCollection" ] } }

To specify an audit filter, enclose the filter document in single quotes to pass the document as a string.

mongod --dbpath data/db --auditDestination file --auditFilter '{ atype: { $in: [ "createCollection", "dropCollection" ] } }' --auditFormat BSON --auditPath data/db/auditLog.bson

Include additional options as required for your configuration. For instance, if you wish remote clients to connect to your deployment or your deployment members are run on different hosts, specify the --bind_ip. For more information, see Localhost Binding Compatibility Changes.

To specify the audit filter in a configuration file, you must use the YAML format of the configuration file.

dbPath: data/db
destination: file
format: BSON
path: data/db/auditLog.bson
filter: '{ atype: { $in: [ "createCollection", "dropCollection" ] } }'

The <field> can include any field in the audit message. For authentication operations (i.e. atype: "authenticate"), the audit messages include a db field in the param document.

The following example audits only the authenticate operations that occur against the test database by using the filter:

{ atype: "authenticate", "param.db": "test" }

To specify an audit filter, enclose the filter document in single quotes to pass the document as a string.

mongod --dbpath data/db --auth --auditDestination file --auditFilter '{ atype: "authenticate", "param.db": "test" }' --auditFormat BSON --auditPath data/db/auditLog.bson

Include additional options as required for your configuration. For instance, if you wish remote clients to connect to your deployment or your deployment members are run on different hosts, specify the --bind_ip. For more information, see Localhost Binding Compatibility Changes.

To specify the audit filter in a configuration file, you must use the YAML format of the configuration file.

dbPath: data/db
authorization: enabled
destination: file
format: BSON
path: data/db/auditLog.bson
filter: '{ atype: "authenticate", "param.db": "test" }'

To filter on all authenticate operations across databases, omit "param.db": "test" and use the filter { atype: "authenticate" }.

The <field> can include any field in the audit message. For collection creation and drop operations (i.e. atype: "createCollection" and atype: "dropCollection"), the audit messages include a namespace ns field in the param document.

The following example audits only the createCollection and dropCollection operations that occur against the test database by using the filter:


The regular expression requires two backslashes (\\) to escape the dot (.).

{ atype: { $in: [ "createCollection", "dropCollection" ] }, "param.ns": /^test\\./ } }

To specify an audit filter, enclose the filter document in single quotes to pass the document as a string.

mongod --dbpath data/db --auth --auditDestination file --auditFilter '{ atype: { $in: [ "createCollection", "dropCollection" ] }, "param.ns": /^test\\./ } }' --auditFormat BSON --auditPath data/db/auditLog.bson

Include additional options as required for your configuration. For instance, if you wish remote clients to connect to your deployment or your deployment members are run on different hosts, specify the --bind_ip. For more information, see Localhost Binding Compatibility Changes.

To specify the audit filter in a configuration file, you must use the YAML format of the configuration file.

dbPath: data/db
authorization: enabled
destination: file
format: BSON
path: data/db/auditLog.bson
filter: '{ atype: { $in: [ "createCollection", "dropCollection" ] }, "param.ns": /^test\\./ } }'

The following example audits operations by users with readWrite role on the test database, including users with roles that inherit from readWrite, by using the filter:

{ roles: { role: "readWrite", db: "test" } }

To specify an audit filter, enclose the filter document in single quotes to pass the document as a string.

mongod --dbpath data/db --auth --auditDestination file --auditFilter '{ roles: { role: "readWrite", db: "test" } }' --auditFormat BSON --auditPath data/db/auditLog.bson

Include additional options as required for your configuration. For instance, if you wish remote clients to connect to your deployment or your deployment members are run on different hosts, specify the --bind_ip. For more information, see Localhost Binding Compatibility Changes.

To specify the audit filter in a configuration file, you must use the YAML format of the configuration file.

dbPath: data/db
authorization: enabled
destination: file
format: BSON
path: data/db/auditLog.bson
filter: '{ roles: { role: "readWrite", db: "test" } }'

To capture read and write operations in the audit, you must also enable the audit system to log authorization successes using the auditAuthorizationSuccess parameter. [1]


Enabling auditAuthorizationSuccess degrades performance more than logging only the authorization failures.

The following example audits the find(), insert(), remove(), update(), save(), and findAndModify() operations by using the filter:

{ atype: "authCheck", "param.command": { $in: [ "find", "insert", "delete", "update", "findAndModify" ] } }

To specify an audit filter, enclose the filter document in single quotes to pass the document as a string.

mongod --dbpath data/db --auth --setParameter auditAuthorizationSuccess=true --auditDestination file --auditFilter '{ atype: "authCheck", "param.command": { $in: [ "find", "insert", "delete", "update", "findAndModify" ] } }' --auditFormat BSON --auditPath data/db/auditLog.bson

Include additional options as required for your configuration. For instance, if you wish remote clients to connect to your deployment or your deployment members are run on different hosts, specify the --bind_ip. For more information, see Localhost Binding Compatibility Changes.

To specify the audit filter in a configuration file, you must use the YAML format of the configuration file.

dbPath: data/db
authorization: enabled
destination: file
format: BSON
path: data/db/auditLog.bson
filter: '{ atype: "authCheck", "param.command": { $in: [ "find", "insert", "delete", "update", "findAndModify" ] } }'
setParameter: { auditAuthorizationSuccess: true }

To capture read and write operations in the audit, you must also enable the audit system to log authorization successes using the auditAuthorizationSuccess parameter. [1]


Enabling auditAuthorizationSuccess degrades performance more than logging only the authorization failures.

The following example audits the find(), insert(), remove(), update(), save(), and findAndModify() operations for the collection orders in the database test by using the filter:

{ atype: "authCheck", "param.ns": "test.orders", "param.command": { $in: [ "find", "insert", "delete", "update", "findAndModify" ] } }

To specify an audit filter, enclose the filter document in single quotes to pass the document as a string.

mongod --dbpath data/db --auth --setParameter auditAuthorizationSuccess=true --auditDestination file --auditFilter '{ atype: "authCheck", "param.ns": "test.orders", "param.command": { $in: [ "find", "insert", "delete", "update", "findAndModify" ] } }' --auditFormat BSON --auditPath data/db/auditLog.bson

Include additional options as required for your configuration. For instance, if you wish remote clients to connect to your deployment or your deployment members are run on different hosts, specify the --bind_ip. For more information, see Localhost Binding Compatibility Changes.

To specify the audit filter in a configuration file, you must use the YAML format of the configuration file.

dbPath: data/db
authorization: enabled
destination: file
format: BSON
path: data/db/auditLog.bson
filter: '{ atype: "authCheck", "param.ns": "test.orders", "param.command": { $in: [ "find", "insert", "delete", "update", "findAndModify" ] } }'
setParameter: { auditAuthorizationSuccess: true }
[1](1, 2) You can enable auditAuthorizationSuccess parameter without enabling --auth; however, all operations will return success for authorization checks.