Convert Stored Procedures
You can import and convert your SQL stored procedures to MongoDB code with the query converter. If you are migrating from Microsoft SQL Server, you can also import and convert SQL Server functions. The query converter considers the mapping rules and schema transformations defined in your project when converting your SQL code.
About this Task
The query converter uses AI technology which may not be able to convert long or complex queries, triggers, packages, or stored procedures. Some queries may not be converted correctly while others may not be converted at all. For more information, see AI and Data Usage Information.
The query converter uses the relational schema, the MongoDB schema, and the mapping rules in your current project to determine how the queries should be converted. Conversions may fail or be incorrect if the queries reference tables that are not in your relational schema or if they are not mapped to MongoDB collections.
Converted queries, triggers, views, packages, and stored procedures are saved in your project and persist through project import and exports.
SQL queries are limited to 40,000 text characters.
You can view the history of previous conversions in the left-hand Query Converter pane. Each conversion has an icon indicating the result of the conversion. If an object does not have an icon next to it, a conversion has not been attempted yet:
The conversion is now being executed.
Green check mark
The conversion was successful.
Red exclamation mark
The conversion failed on last attempt.
Before you Begin
MongoDB does not have an official synonym object type for the SQL stored procedure. Instead, MongoDB supports custom JavaScript and driver code that hosts the database logic. Part of your application modernization journey is to choose the programming language that best serves your application needs. You can host your converted stored procedure code in your application.
Always review and test the code generated by query converter before deploying it in a production environment.
Connect to your relational database
Specify the connection details to your source database.
For details, see Relational Database Connection Strings.
Click Connect.
Select stored procedures
On the Import Database Objects modal, click the icon next to Database.
Click the icon next to your schema.
Click the icon next to Stored Procedures.
To toggle stored procedures for conversion, click the icon next to the stored procedure's name.
Click Save.
The code for each stored procedure in your database schema is imported into your project and is visible in the Query Converter pane under Stored Procedures.
Convert and test code
Click a stored procedure's name from the left-hand pane under Stored Procedures.
The code displays in the Imported Stored Procedure pane.
Select a Target Language from the drop-down.
Query converter supports stored procedure conversions to Javascript, C#, and Java.
If you use Java, you can also select Return a domain object where possible. When selected, the query converter includes strongly typed Java entities based on POJO classes if the query only operates on a single MongoDB collection.
Click the Convert button. Wait for the query converter to convert your code.
The converted MongoDB code displays on the Converted MongoDB Query pane.
If the query converter has errors, you can view the details in the Converted MongoDB Query pane.
Click the icon on the Converted MongoDB Query pane to copy the MongoDB code to your clipboard.
Test and validate the generated MongoDB code.
You can use the Filter text box to filter queries, stored procedures, triggers, packages, and views based on object name and SQL syntax.
The query converter can convert your stored procedures to Javascript, C#, or Java code. The examples below show conversions to each language.
The following example shows a MySQL stored procedure converted to JavaScript:
BEGIN DECLARE v_rentals INT; DECLARE v_out INT; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_rentals FROM rental WHERE inventory_id = p_inventory_id; IF v_rentals = 0 THEN RETURN TRUE; END IF; SELECT COUNT(rental_id) INTO v_out FROM inventory LEFT JOIN rental USING(inventory_id) WHERE inventory.inventory_id = p_inventory_id AND rental.return_date IS NULL; IF v_out > 0 THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE RETURN TRUE; END IF; END
async function query(db, p_inventory_id) { const v_rentals = await db.collection('rental').countDocuments( { inventoryId: p_inventory_id } ); if (v_rentals === 0) { return true; } const v_out = await db.collection('inventory').aggregate([ { $lookup: { from: 'rental', localField: 'inventoryId', foreignField: 'inventoryId', as: 'rentalData' } }, { $match: { inventoryId: p_inventory_id, 'rentalData.returnDate': { $exists: false } } }, { $count: 'rentalId' } ]).toArray(); if (v_out.length > 0 && v_out[0].rentalId > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }
The following example shows a MySQL stored procedure converted to C#:
BEGIN DECLARE v_customer_id INT; DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND RETURN NULL; SELECT customer_id INTO v_customer_id FROM rental WHERE return_date IS NULL AND inventory_id = p_inventory_id; RETURN v_customer_id; END
async Task<int?> Query(IMongoDatabase db) { var rentalCollection = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("rental"); var filter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("inventoryId", p_inventory_id) & Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("returnDate", null); var result = await rentalCollection.Find(filter).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); return result != null ? result["customerId"].AsInt32 : (int?)null; }
The following example shows a MySQL stored procedure converted to Java:
BEGIN SELECT inventory_id FROM inventory WHERE film_id = p_film_id AND store_id = p_store_id AND NOT inventory_in_stock(inventory_id); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM inventory WHERE film_id = p_film_id AND store_id = p_store_id AND NOT inventory_in_stock(inventory_id) INTO p_film_count; END
void query(MongoDatabase db) { int p_film_id = 0; int p_store_id = 0; int p_film_count = 0; MongoCollection<Document> inventoryCollection = db.getCollection("inventory"); Bson filter = Filters.and(Filters.eq("filmId", p_film_id), Filters.eq("storeId", p_store_id), Filters.not(inventory_in_stock("inventoryId"))); FindIterable<Document> result = inventoryCollection.find(filter); for (Document doc : result) { System.out.println(doc.getInteger("inventoryId")); } p_film_count = (int) inventoryCollection.countDocuments(filter); }