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Atlas Vector Search

On this page

  • Overview
  • Atlas Vector Search Index
  • Vector Search Aggregation Stage
  • Atlas Search Query Examples
  • Basic Vector Search Query
  • Vector Search Score
  • Vector Search Options

In this guide, you can learn how to perform searches on your documents by using the Atlas Vector Search feature. The PHP library allows you to perform Atlas Vector Search queries by using the Aggregation Builder.


Deployment Compatibility

You can use the Atlas Search feature only when you connect to MongoDB Atlas clusters. This feature is not available for self-managed deployments.

To learn more about Atlas Vector Search, see the Atlas Vector Search Overview. The Atlas Vector Search implementation for the PHP library internally uses the $vectorSearch aggregation operator to perform queries. To learn more about this operator, see the $vectorSearch reference in the Atlas documentation.


Atlas Search

To perform advanced full-text search on your documents, you can use the Atlas Search API. To learn about this feature, see the Atlas Search guide.

Before you can perform Atlas Vector Search queries, you must create an Atlas Vector Search index on your collection. To learn more about creating this index type, see the Atlas Search Indexes guide.

Import the following classes into your application to perform Atlas Search queries by using the Aggregation Builder:

use MongoDB\Builder\Pipeline;
use MongoDB\Builder\Stage;

To create a $vectorSearch stage in your aggregation pipeline, perform the following actions:

  1. Create a Pipeline instance to store the pipeline stages.

  2. Call the Stage::vectorSearch() method to create the Atlas Vector Search stage.

  3. Within the body of the vectorSearch() method, specify the criteria for your vector query.

The following code demonstrates the template for constructing basic Atlas Search queries:

$pipeline = new Pipeline(
/* Atlas Vector Search query specifications
index: '<index name>',
path: '<path to embeddings>', ...*/

You must pass the following parameters to the vectorSearch() method:




Name of the vector search index


array or string

Field that stores vector embeddings



Vector representation of your query



Number of results to return

In this section, you can learn how to perform Atlas Vector Search queries by using the Aggregation Builder. The examples in this section use sample data from the sample_mflix.embedded_movies collection.


Query Vector Length

For demonstrative purposes, the examples in this section use sample query vectors that contain very few elements, compared to the query vector you might use in a runnable application. To view an example that contains the full-length query vector, see the Atlas Vector Search Quick Start and select PHP from the Select your language dropdown in the upper-right corner of the page.

The following code performs an Atlas Vector Search query on the plot_embedding vector field:

$pipeline = new Pipeline(
index: 'vector',
path: 'plot_embedding',
queryVector: [-0.0016261312, -0.028070757, -0.011342932],
numCandidates: 150,
limit: 5,
_id: 0,
title: 1,
$cursor = $collection->aggregate($pipeline);
foreach ($cursor as $doc) {
echo json_encode($doc), PHP_EOL;
{"title":"Thrill Seekers"}
{"title":"About Time"}
// Results truncated

The following code performs the same query as in the preceding example, but outputs only the title field and vectorSearchScore meta field, which describes how well the document matches the query vector:

$pipeline = new Pipeline(
index: 'vector',
path: 'plot_embedding',
queryVector: [-0.0016261312, -0.028070757, -0.011342932],
numCandidates: 150,
limit: 5,
_id: 0,
title: 1,
score: ['$meta' => 'vectorSearchScore'],
$cursor = $collection->aggregate($pipeline);
foreach ($cursor as $doc) {
echo json_encode($doc), PHP_EOL;
{"title":"Thrill Seekers","score":0.927734375}
{"title":"About Time","score":0.925750732421875}
// Results truncated

You can use the vectorSearch() method to perform many types of Atlas Vector Search queries. Depending on your desired query, you can pass the following optional parameters to vectorSearch():

Optional Parameter
Default Value



Specifies whether to run an Exact Nearest Neighbor (true) or Approximate Nearest Neighbor (false) search



QueryInterface or array

Specifies a pre-filter for documents to search on

no filtering


int or null

Specifies the number of nearest neighbors to use during the search


To learn more about these parameters, see the Fields section of the $vectorSearch operator reference in the Atlas documentation.


Atlas Search