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MongoDB Ops Manager

Start and Stop Ops Manager Application

On this page

  • Start the Ops Manager Server
  • Stop the Ops Manager Application
  • Startup Log File Output
  • Optional: Run as Different User
  • Optional: Ops Manager Application Server Port Number


If you installed from a tar.gz or .zip archive, you must create a symlink located at the path /etc/init.d/mongodb-mms that points to the <install_dir>/bin/mongodb-mms.

After configuring your Ops Manager deployment, you can start the Ops Manager Application with this command:

sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb-mms start

In some situations, starting MongoDB may take several minutes to pre-allocate the journal files. This is normal behavior.

To open Ops Manager, enter the URL specified in the URL to Access Ops Manager setting in the Ops Manager UI. If you are opening Ops Manager for the first time, enter the following URL, where <host> is the fully qualified domain name of the Ops Manager server. Ops Manager prompts you to register a new user when you login for the first time.


Enter the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb-mms stop

The Ops Manager Application logs its startup output to a logs directory of each Ops Manager host.

The log file for each Ops Manager instance is named mms#-startup.log, where # is a zero-based index of the Ops Manager instance. The log file for the Backup Daemon is named daemon-startup.log.

If the Ops Manager Application starts successfully, the init.d daemon creates log entries in this log file that resemble the following:

[main] INFO ServerMain:202 - Starting mms...
[main] WARN AbstractConnector:294 - Acceptors should be <=2*availableProcessors: SelectChannelConnector@
[null] LoginService=HashLoginService
[main] INFO AppConfig:46 - Starting app for env: hosted
[main] INFO MmsAppConfig:67 - Not loading backup components
[main] INFO GraphiteSvcImpl:67 - Graphite service not configured, events will be ignored.
[main] INFO TwilioSvcImpl:48 - Twilio service not configured, SMS events will be ignored.
[main] INFO OpenDMKSnmpTrapAgentSvcImpl:91 - SNMP heartbeats hosts not configured, no heartbeat traps will be sent.
[main] INFO ServerMain:266 - Started in: 24979 (ms)


The startup log is rotated and retains the full history of all startup events. You can change its retention policy.

  1. Edit <install_dir>/conf/mms.conf:

  2. Change Ownership of <install_dir> for new user:

    sudo chown -R foo_user:foo_group <install_dir>
  3. Restart the Ops Manager Application:

    sudo <install_dir>/bin/mongodb-mms restart
  1. Edit <install_dir>/conf/

  2. Edit <install_dir>/conf/mms.conf

  3. Restart the Ops Manager Application:

    sudo <install_dir>/bin/mongodb-mms restart


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