Retrieve All Agent Versions for One Project
On this page
Required Roles
You can successfully call this endpoint with any of the following assigned roles:
Base URL: https://{OPSMANAGER-HOST}:{PORT}/api/public/v1.0
GET /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/agents/versions
Request Path Parameters
Name | Type | Necessity | Description |
| string | Required | Unique identifier of the project. |
Request Query Parameters
Name | Type | Necessity | Description | Default | ||||||
pretty | boolean | Optional | Flag indicating whether the response body should be in a prettyprint format. |
| ||||||
envelope | boolean | Optional | Flag that indicates whether or not to wrap the response in an envelope. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. For endpoints that return one result, the response body includes:
Request Body Parameters
This endpoint doesn't use HTTP request body parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
| integer | Number of Agents that your Ops Manager Application has found. |
| array of objects | Details on each Agent on every host that this Ops Manager Application manages. |
entries .address | string | IPv6 address for the host that runs this Agent. |
entries .hostname | string | FQDN of the host that runs this Agent. |
entries .hostnameShort | string | Hostname that runs this Agent. |
entries .version | string | Version of this Agent that this host runs. |
entries .pingCount | integer | Count of pings received from this Agent. |
entries .confCount | integer | Count of configuration calls received from this Agent. |
entries .tagName | string | Label for this Agent if backup is enabled. |
entries .lastPing | number | Timestamp in the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the UNIX epoch when Ops Manager received the last ping from this Agent. Applies to Monitoring Agents and MongoDB Agents with Monitoring enabled. |
entries .lastConf | number | Timestamp in the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the UNIX epoch when Ops Manager received the last configuration call from this Agent. |
entries .msSinceLastConf | number | Number of milliseconds that have passed since the last configuration call. |
entries .isPrimary | boolean | Flag that indicates if the host on which this Agent runs is the primary. |
entries .isManaged | boolean | Flag that indicates if Ops Manager manages this Agent. Applies to Monitoring and Backup Agents only. |
entries .numProcess | integer | Number of MongoDB process that run on this host. |
entries .isVersionOld | boolean | Flag that indicates the installed Agent is outdated. The current released version of this Agent exceeds the version of the installed Agent. |
entries .isVersionDeprecated | boolean | Flag that indicates this Agent is deprecated. The minimum supported version of this Agent exceeds the version of the installed Agent. |
entries .pingState | string | Current state of this Agent.
entries .isModule | boolean | Flag that indicates this entry is a module of the MongoDB Agent. |
| boolean | Flag indicating if any Agent runs on a host in an unmanaged state. |
| boolean | Flag indicating if any Agent in any deployment runs a deprecated version of that Agent. |
| boolean | Flag indicating if any Agent in any deployment runs a not current version of that Agent. |
| string | Latest version of this type of Agent. |
| array of objects | One or more links to sub-resources and/or related resources. All
| string | Minimum supported version of this Agent installed on this host. |
| string | Minimum supported version of this Agent that works with your Ops Manager installation. |
Example Request
curl --user '{PUBLIC-KEY}:{PRIVATE-KEY}' --digest \ --request GET "http://{opsManagerHost}:{port}/api/public/v1.0/groups/{PROJECT-ID}/agents/versions?pretty=true"
Example Response
Response Header
401 Unauthorized Content-Type: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: {dateInUnixFormat} WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="MMS Public API", domain="", nonce="{nonce}", algorithm=MD5, op="auth", stale=false Content-Length: {requestLengthInBytes} Connection: keep-alive
200 OK Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Type: application/json Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=300 Date: {dateInUnixFormat} Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: {requestLengthInBytes} X-MongoDB-Service-Version: gitHash={gitHash}; versionString={ApplicationVersion}
Response Body
1 { 2 "count": 0, 3 "entries": [], 4 "isAnyAgentNotManaged": false, 5 "isAnyAgentVersionDeprecated": false, 6 "isAnyAgentVersionOld": false, 7 "latestVersion": "", 8 "links": [{ 9 "href": "http://{opsManagerHost}:{port}/api/public/v1.0/groups/{PROJECT-ID}/agents/current", 10 "rel": "self" 11 }, 12 { 13 "href": "http://{opsManagerHost}:{port}/api/public/v1.0/groups/{PROJECT-ID}", 14 "rel": "" 15 } 16 ], 17 "minimumAgentVersionDetected": "", 18 "minimumVersion": "" 19 }