External Tools and Resources
On this page
In this guide, you can find external tools and resources that you can use to enhance your Mongoid applications. These resources include external projects and libraries, and various learning resources.
Projects and Libraries
The following sections describe projects and libraries that are integrated with or built on top of Mongoid.
Workarea Commerce is an enterprise-grade Ruby on Rails commerce platform that uses Mongoid.
Extension Libraries
Mongoid Tree is a tree structure for Mongoid documents that uses the materialized path pattern.
Mongoid Token generates random, unique tokens for Mongoid documents.
Mongoid Collection Snapshot helps maintain collections of processed data in Mongoid applications.
Mongoid Locker provides document-level locking for Mongoid applications.
Mongo Beautiful Logger is a library that formats your MongoDB logs.
Mongoid Search provides full-text search for Mongoid.
Mongoid Fulltext Search provides full-text search using n-gram matching for Mongoid.
Integration Libraries
CarrierWave Mongoid provides Mongoid support for the Carrierwave file-uploads library.
Mongoid RSpec provides RSpec matchers and macros for Mongoid applications.
RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an interface for managing your data.
ActiveAdmin Mongoid provides ActiveAdmin hacks to support Mongoid.
Mongoid History is a multi-user, non-linear history tracker for Mongoid.
Delayed Job Mongoid is a Mongoid backend for
.Mongo Session Store is a Rails-compatible session store for Mongoid.
Learning Resources
The following sections provide screencasts, articles, and sample applications that you can use to learn more about Mongoid.
RailsCasts: Mongoid (revised) with Ryan Bates gives an overview of Mongoid. It includes the basics of setting up an application and working with data.
Create a search bar in Rails with Mongoid is a tutorial that explains how to implement text search with Mongoid.
A Simple Content Management System in Sinatra: Building a content management application with Sinatra and Mongoid.
How to Create a Ruby API With Sinatra: Creating a Sinatra API with Mongoid.
Converting an existing Ruby on Rails application to MongoDB: Learn how to convert an existing Ruby on Rails application to use MongoDB and Mongoid.
Sample Applications
Mongoid Demo: A repository containing sample applications that use Mongoid.