Migrate Data into a Time Series Collection with Database Tools
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Use the following steps to migrate data from an existing collection to a time
series collection with mongodump
and mongorestore
Create a new time series collection.
To create a new time series collection, issue the following command in the
db.createCollection( "weathernew", { timeseries: { timeField: "ts", metaField: "metaData", granularity: "hours" } } )
This example uses sample data for the timeField
, metaField
, and
. For more information on the preceeding command, see
Create a Time Series Collection.
(Optional) Transform your data.
Time series collections support secondary indexes on the field specified as the
. If the data model of your time series data does not have
a designated field for your metadata, you can transform your data to
create one. To transform the data in your existing collection, use
to create a temporary collection
with your time series data.
Consider a collection with weather data of the following format:
db.weatherdata.insertOne( { _id: ObjectId("5553a998e4b02cf7151190b8"), st: "x+47600-047900", ts: ISODate("1984-03-05T13:00:00Z"), position: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -47.9, 47.6 ] }, elevation: 9999, callLetters: "VCSZ", qualityControlProcess: "V020", dataSource: "4", type: "FM-13", airTemperature: { value: -3.1, quality: "1" }, dewPoint: { value: 999.9, quality : "9" }, pressure: { value: 1015.3, quality: "1" }, wind: { direction: { angle: 999, quality: "9" }, type: "9", speed: { rate: 999.9, quality: "9" } }, visibility: { distance: { value: 999999, quality : "9" }, variability: { value: "N", quality: "9" } }, skyCondition: { ceilingHeight: { value: 99999, quality: "9", determination: "9" }, cavok: "N" }, sections: [ "AG1" ], precipitationEstimatedObservation: { discrepancy: "2", estimatedWaterDepth: 999 } } )
Choosing the right field as your time series metaField
optimizes both storage and query performance. For more
information on field selection and best practices, see metaField and
Granularity Best Practices.
The pipline below performs the following operations:
to add ametaData
field to theweather_data
to include or exclude the remaining fields in the document.Uses
to create a temporary collection calledtemporarytimeseries
db.weather_data.aggregate([ { $addFields: { metaData: { "st": "$st", "position": "$position", "elevation": "$elevation", "callLetters": "$callLetters", "qualityControlProcess": "$qualityControlProcess", "type": "$type" } }, }, { $project: { _id: 1, ts: 1, metaData: 1, dataSource: 1, airTemperature: 1, dewPoint: 1, pressure: 1, wind: 1, visibility: 1, skyCondition: 1, sections: 1, precipitationEstimatedObservation: 1 } }, { $out: "temporarytimeseries" } ])
After you run this command, you have an intermediary
db.temporarytimeseries.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId("5553a998e4b02cf7151190b8"), "ts" : ISODate("1984-03-05T13:00:00Z"), "dataSource" : "4", "airTemperature" : { "value" : -3.1, "quality" : "1" }, "dewPoint" : { "value" : 999.9, "quality" : "9" }, "pressure" : { "value" : 1015.3, "quality" : "1" }, "wind" : { "direction" : { "angle" : 999, "quality" : "9" }, "type" : "9", "speed" : { "rate" : 999.9, "quality" : "9" } }, "visibility" : { "distance" : { "value" : 999999, "quality" : "9" }, "variability" : { "value" : "N", "quality" : "9" } }, "skyCondition" : { "ceilingHeight" : { "value" : 99999, "quality" : "9", "determination" : "9" }, "cavok" : "N" }, "sections" : [ "AG1" ], "precipitationEstimatedObservation" : { "discrepancy" : "2", "estimatedWaterDepth" : 999 }, "metaData" : { "st" : "x+47600-047900", "position" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -47.9, 47.6 ] }, "elevation" : 9999, "callLetters" : "VCSZ", "qualityControlProcess" : "V020", "type" : "FM-13" } }
Export your original collection.
To export your data from an existing collection that is not of type
use mongodump
When migrating or backfilling into a time series collection, always
insert the documents in order, from oldest to newest. In this case,
exports documents in natural order and the
option for mongorestore
guarantees the same insertion order for documents.
For example, to export the temporarytimeseries
collection, issue the
following command:
mongodump --uri="mongodb://mongodb0.example.com:27017,mongodb1.example.com:27017,mongodb2.example.com:27017/weather" \ --collection=temporarytimeseries --out=timeseries
The command returns the following output:
2021-06-01T16:48:39.980+0200 writing weather.temporarytimeseries to timeseries/weather/temporarytimeseries.bson 2021-06-01T16:48:40.056+0200 done dumping weather.temporarytimeseries (10000 documents)
Import your collection.
To import your data into a timeseries collection, use
Ensure that you run the mongorestore
command with the
cannot create indexes on time series collections.
The following operation imports
into the new collection
mongorestore --uri="mongodb://mongodb0.example.com:27017,mongodb1.example.com:27017,mongodb2.example.com:27017/weather" \ --collection=weathernew --noIndexRestore \ --maintainInsertionOrder \ timeseries/weather/temporarytimeseries.bson
The command returns the following output:
2021-06-01T16:50:56.639+0200 checking for collection data in timeseries/weather/temporarytimeseries.bson 2021-06-01T16:50:56.640+0200 restoring to existing collection weather.weathernew without dropping 2021-06-01T16:50:56.640+0200 reading metadata for weather.weathernew from timeseries/weather/temporarytimeseries.metadata.json 2021-06-01T16:50:56.640+0200 restoring weather.weathernew from timeseries/weather/temporarytimeseries.bson 2021-06-01T16:51:01.229+0200 no indexes to restore 2021-06-01T16:51:01.229+0200 finished restoring weather.weathernew (10000 documents, 0 failures) 2021-06-01T16:51:01.229+0200 10000 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore.
If your original collection had secondary indexes, manually recreate
them now. If your collection includes timeField
values before
or after 2038-01-19T03:14:07.000Z
MongoDB logs a warning and disables some query optimizations that make
use of the internal clustered index. Create a secondary index on the timeField
to regain query
performance and resolve the log warning.
See also:
Add Secondary Indexes to Time Series Collections
If you insert a document into a collection with a timeField
value before 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
or after
MongoDB logs a warning and prevents some query optimizations from
using the internal index. Create a secondary index
on the timeField
to regain query performance and resolve the log