Migrate Data into a Time Series Collection with an Aggregation Pipeline
On this page
Starting in MongoDB version 7.0, you can use the $out
aggregation stage to migrate data from an existing collection into a
time series collection.
MongoDB does not guarantee output order when you use $out
migrate data into a times series collection. To maintain order, sort
your data before you migrate with an aggregation pipeline.
Before you Begin
Consider a weatherdata
collection that contains time and metadata information:
db.weatherdata.insertOne( { _id: ObjectId("5553a998e4b02cf7151190b8"), st: "x+47600-047900", ts: ISODate("1984-03-05T13:00:00Z"), position: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -47.9, 47.6 ] }, elevation: 9999, callLetters: "VCSZ", qualityControlProcess: "V020", dataSource: "4", type: "FM-13", airTemperature: { value: -3.1, quality: "1" }, dewPoint: { value: 999.9, quality : "9" }, pressure: { value: 1015.3, quality: "1" }, wind: { direction: { angle: 999, quality: "9" }, type: "9", speed: { rate: 999.9, quality: "9" } }, visibility: { distance: { value: 999999, quality : "9" }, variability: { value: "N", quality: "9" } }, skyCondition: { ceilingHeight: { value: 99999, quality: "9", determination: "9" }, cavok: "N" }, sections: [ "AG1" ], precipitationEstimatedObservation: { discrepancy: "2", estimatedWaterDepth: 999 } } )
Create a metadata field.
If your collection doesn't include a field you can use to identify each
series, transform your data to define one. In this example, the
field becomes the metaField
of the time series collection
that you create.
Choosing the right field as your time series metaField
optimizes both storage and query performance. For more
information on field selection and best practices, see metaField and
Granularity Best Practices.
The pipline below performs the following operations:
to add ametaData
field to theweather_data
to include or exclude the remaining fields in the document.
db.weather_data.aggregate([ { $addFields: { metaData: { "st": "$st", "position": "$position", "elevation": "$elevation", "callLetters": "$callLetters", "qualityControlProcess": "$qualityControlProcess", "type": "$type" } }, }, { $project: { _id: 1, ts: 1, metaData: 1, dataSource: 1, airTemperature: 1, dewPoint: 1, pressure: 1, wind: 1, visibility: 1, skyCondition: 1, sections: 1, precipitationEstimatedObservation: 1 } } ])
Create your time series collection and insert your data.
Add an $out
aggregation stage to your pipeline to create a
time series collection and insert your data into it. The pipeline below
performs the following operations:
with thetimeseries
option to create aweathernew
time series collection in themydatabase
database.Defines the
field as themetaField
of theweathernew
collection.Defines the
field as thetimeField
of theweathernew
of a time series collection must be a date type.
{ $out: { db: "mydatabase", coll: "weathernew", timeseries: { timeField: "ts", metaField: "metaData", granularity: "seconds" } } }
For the aggregation stage syntax, see
. For a full explanation of the time series
options, see the Time Series Field Reference.
Review your data.
After you run this aggregation pipeline, you can use
to view a document in your
time series collection:
The operation returns the following document:
{ _id: ObjectId("5553a998e4b02cf7151190b8"), ts: ISODate("1984-03-05T13:00:00Z"), metaData: { st: "x+47600-047900", position: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -47.9, 47.6 ] }, elevation: 9999, callLetters: "VCSZ", qualityControlProcess: "V020", type: "FM-13" }, dataSource: "4", airTemperature: { value: -3.1, quality: "1" }, dewPoint: { value: 999.9, quality: "9" }, pressure: { value: 1015.3, quality: "1" }, wind: { direction: { angle: 999, quality: "9" }, type: "9", speed: { rate: 999.9, quality: "9" } }, visibility: { distance: { value: 999999, quality: "9" }, variability: { value: "N", quality: "9" } }, skyCondition: { ceilingHeight: { value: 99999, quality: "9", determination: "9" }, cavok: "N" }, sections: [ "AG1" ], precipitationEstimatedObservation: { discrepancy: "2", estimatedWaterDepth: 999 } }
Next Steps
If your original collection had secondary indexes, manually recreate them now.
If your time series collection includes timeField
values before
or after 2038-01-19T03:14:07.000Z
MongoDB logs a warning and disables some query optimizations that make
use of the internal clustered index. To regain query performance and
resolve the log warning, create a secondary index on the timeField