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Store Large Files

On this page

  • Overview
  • How GridFS Works
  • Create a GridFS Bucket
  • Upload Files
  • Retrieve File Information
  • Download Files
  • Rename Files
  • Delete Files
  • API Documentation

In this guide, you can learn how to store and retrieve large files in MongoDB by using GridFS. GridFS is a specification implemented by PyMongo that describes how to split files into chunks when storing them and reassemble them when retrieving them. The driver's implementation of GridFS is an abstraction that manages the operations and organization of the file storage.

You should use GridFS if the size of your files exceeds the BSON document size limit of 16MB. For more detailed information on whether GridFS is suitable for your use case, see GridFS in the MongoDB Server manual.

The following sections describe GridFS operations and how to perform them.

GridFS organizes files in a bucket, a group of MongoDB collections that contain the chunks of files and information describing them. The bucket contains the following collections, named using the convention defined in the GridFS specification:

  • The chunks collection stores the binary file chunks.

  • The files collection stores the file metadata.

When you create a new GridFS bucket, the driver creates the preceding collections, prefixed with the default bucket name fs, unless you specify a different name. The driver also creates an index on each collection to ensure efficient retrieval of the files and related metadata. The driver creates the GridFS bucket, if it doesn't exist, only when the first write operation is performed. The driver creates indexes only if they don't exist and when the bucket is empty. For more information about GridFS indexes, see GridFS Indexes in the MongoDB Server manual.

When storing files with GridFS, the driver splits the files into smaller chunks, each represented by a separate document in the chunks collection. It also creates a document in the files collection that contains a file ID, file name, and other file metadata. You can upload the file from memory or from a stream. See the following diagram to see how GridFS splits the files when uploaded to a bucket.

A diagram that shows how GridFS uploads a file to a bucket

When retrieving files, GridFS fetches the metadata from the files collection in the specified bucket and uses the information to reconstruct the file from documents in the chunks collection. You can read the file into memory or output it to a stream.

To store or retrieve files from GridFS, create a GridFS bucket by calling the GridFSBucket() constructor and passing in a Database instance. You can use the GridFSBucket instance to call read and write operations on the files in your bucket.

client = MongoClient("<connection string>")
db = client["db"]
bucket = gridfs.GridFSBucket(db)

To create or reference a bucket with a custom name other than the default name fs, pass your bucket name as the second parameter to the GridFSBucket() constructor, as shown below:

custom_bucket = gridfs.GridFSBucket(db, bucket_name="myCustomBucket")

Use the open_upload_stream() method from the GridFSBucket class to create an upload stream for a given file name. The open_upload_stream() method allows you to specify configuration information such as file chunk size and other field/value pairs to store as metadata. Set these options as parameters of open_upload_stream(), as shown in the following code example:

with bucket.open_upload_stream(
"my_file", chunk_size_bytes=1048576, metadata={"contentType": "text/plain"}
) as grid_in:
grid_in.write("data to store")

In this section, you can learn how to retrieve file metadata stored in the files collection of the GridFS bucket. The metadata contains information about the file it refers to, including:

  • The _id of the file

  • The name of the file

  • The length/size of the file

  • The upload date and time

  • A metadata document in which you can store any other information

To retrieve files from a GridFS bucket, call the find() method on the GridFSBucket instance. The method returns a Cursor instance from which you can access the results. To learn more about Cursor objects in PyMongo, see Access Data From a Cursor.

The following code example shows you how to retrieve and print file metadata from all your files in a GridFS bucket. It uses the syntax to traverse the Cursor iterable and display the results:

for file_doc in bucket.find({}):

The find() method accepts various query specifications. You can use its parameters to specify the sort order, maximum number of documents to return, and the number of documents to skip before returning. To learn more about querying MongoDB, see Retrieve Data.

You can download files from your MongoDB database by using the open_download_stream_by_name() method from GridFSBucket to create a download stream.

The following example shows you how to download a file referenced by the file name, "my_file", and read its contents:

file = bucket.open_download_stream_by_name("my_file")
contents =


If there are multiple documents with the same filename value, GridFS will stream the most recent file with the given name (as determined by the uploadDate field).

Alternatively, you can use the open_download_stream() method, which takes the _id field of a file as a parameter:

file = bucket.open_download_stream(ObjectId("66b3c86e672a17b6c8a4a4a9"))
contents =


The GridFS streaming API cannot load partial chunks. When a download stream needs to pull a chunk from MongoDB, it pulls the entire chunk into memory. The 255-kilobyte default chunk size is usually sufficient, but you can reduce the chunk size to reduce memory overhead.

Use the rename() method to update the name of a GridFS file in your bucket. You must specify the file to rename by its _id field rather than its file name.

The following example shows how to update the filename field to "new_file_name" by referencing a document's _id field:

bucket.rename(ObjectId("66b3c86e672a17b6c8a4a4a9"), "new_file_name")


The rename() method supports updating the name of only one file at a time. To rename multiple files, retrieve a list of files matching the file name from the bucket, extract the _id field from the files you want to rename, and pass each value in separate calls to the rename() method.

Use the delete() method to remove a file's collection document and associated chunks from your bucket. This effectively deletes the file. You must specify the file by its _id field rather than its file name.

The following example shows you how to delete a file by referencing its _id field:



The delete() method supports deleting only one file at a time. To delete multiple files, retrieve the files from the bucket, extract the _id field from the files you want to delete, and pass each value in separate calls to the delete() method.

To learn more about using PyMongo to store and retrieve large files, see the following API documentation:


Bulk Write Operations