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Kotlin Sync Driver

Specify Connection Options

On this page

  • Overview
  • Set Options in the Connection URI
  • Set Options in MongoClientSettings
  • Connection Options
  • Network Compression
  • Timeouts
  • Server Selection
  • Authentication
  • Read and Write Operations
  • Additional Information
  • API Documentation

This section describes the MongoDB connection and authentication options available in the Kotlin Sync driver. You can configure your connection by setting options in either the connection URI or within a MongoClientSettings instance.

If you pass a connection URI to the MongoClient.create() method, you can include connection options in the string as <name>=<value> pairs. In the following example, the connection URI contains the connectTimeoutMS option with a value of 60000 and the tls option with a value of true:

val uri = "mongodb://<hostname>:<port>/?connectTimeoutMS=60000&tls=true"
val mongoClient = MongoClient.create(uri)

You can set connection options in a MongoClientSettings instance by using methods from the MongoClientSettings.Builder class, then passing the settings object to the MongoClient.create() method.

Configuring the connection this way makes it easier to change settings at runtime and can help you catch errors at compile time.

The following example shows how to specify your connection target and set other options when creating a MongoClientSettings instance:

val settings = MongoClientSettings.builder()
.applyToClusterSettings { builder -> builder.hosts(listOf(ServerAddress("localhost", 27017))) }
.applyToSocketSettings { builder -> builder.connectTimeout(60000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) }
.applyToSslSettings { builder -> builder.enabled(true) }
val mongoClient = MongoClient.create(settings)

If you prefer to provide a connection string instead of specifying the hostname and port, you can use the applyConnectionString() method, then set other options by using builder methods, as shown in the following code:

val uri = "<connection string>"
val settings = MongoClientSettings.builder()
.applyToSocketSettings { builder -> builder.connectTimeout(60000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) }
.applyToSslSettings { builder -> builder.enabled(true) }
val mongoClient = MongoClient.create(settings)

The following sections describe the connection options available in the Kotlin Sync driver. Each option shows the option-value pair you can use in a connection URI and, if available, the driver method to set it within a MongoClientSettings instance.

Connection Option


The preferred compression types, in order, for wire-protocol messages sent to or received from the server. The driver uses the first of these compression types that the server supports.

Data Type: comma-delimited string
MongoClientSettings: compressorList(listOf(<MongoCompressor>))
Connection URI: compressors=snappy,zstd,zlib


The compression level for zlib to use. This option accepts an integer value between -1 and 9, corresponding to the following settings:

- -1: (Default). zlib uses its default compression level (usually 6).
- 0: No compression.
- 1: Fastest speed but lowest compression.
- 9: Best compression but slowest speed.

Data Type: integer
Default: -1
MongoClientSettings: compressorList(listOf(zlib.withProperty(MongoCompressor.LEVEL, 3)))
Connection URI: zlibCompressionLevel=3
Connection Option


The time in milliseconds to attempt a connection before timing out.

Data Type: integer
Default: 10000
applyToSocketSettings{ builder ->
builder.connectTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
Connection URI: timeoutMs=10000


The time in milliseconds to attempt a send or receive on a connection before the attempt times out.

Data Type: integer
Default: no timeout
applyToSocketSettings{ builder ->
builder.readTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
Connection URI: socketTimeoutMS=5000
Connection Option


The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, the driver waits for server selection to succeed before throwing an exception.

Data Type: integer
Default: 30000
applyToClusterSettings{ builder ->
builder.serverSelectionTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
Connection URI: serverSelectionTimeoutMS=30000
Connection Option


The mechanism that the Kotlin Sync driver uses to authenticate the application.

Data Type: string
Default: "SCRAM-SHA-256" when connecting to MongoDB v4.0 or later
Connection URI: authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-256


Options specific to the authentication mechanism. This option isn't needed for all authentication mechanisms.

Data Type: string
Connection URI: authMechanismProperties=AWS_SESSION_TOKEN:12435


The database to authenticate against.

Data Type: string
Default: "admin"
Connection URI: authSource=admin


The username for authentication. When this option is included in a connection URI, you must percent-encode it.

Data Type: string
Connection URI: username=my+user


The password for authentication. When this option is included in a connection URI, you must percent-encode it.

Data Type: string
Connection URI: password=strong+password

To learn more about connecting to different types of MongoDB deployments, see the Choose a Connection Target guide.

Connection Option


Specifies the name of the replica set to connect to.

Data Type: string
Connection URI: replicaSet=myRS


Whether to connect only to the primary member of the replica set.

Data Type: boolean
Default: false
applyToClusterSettings{ builder ->
Connection URI: directConnection=true


Specifies the client's read preference. For more information, see Read Preference in the Server manual.

Data Type: string
Default: primary
MongoClientSettings: readPreference(ReadPreference.primary())
Connection URI: readPreference=primary


Specifies the client's read concern. For more information, see Read Concern in the Server manual.

Data Type: string
MongoClientSettings: readConcern(ReadConcern.MAJORITY)
Connection URI: readConcern=majority


Specifies the client's write concern. For more information, see Write Concern in the Server manual.

Data Type: string
MongoClientSettings: writeConcern(WriteConcern.MAJORITY)
Connection URI: writeConcern=majority


The latency window for a replica-set member's eligibility. If a member's round trip ping takes longer than the fastest server's round-trip ping time plus this value, the server isn't eligible for selection.

Data Type: integer
Default: 15
applyToClusterSettings{ builder ->
builder.localThreshold(35, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
Connection URI: localThresholdMS=35

To view a full list of connection options, see Connection Strings in the Server manual.

To learn more about the classes and methods mentioned in this guide, see the following API documentation:


Choose a Connection Target