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MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator

Upgrade Ops Manager and Backing Database Versions

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  • Prerequisites
  • Procedure
  • In your , the settings as shown in the following example:
  • Reapply the configuration to Kubernetes.

Update the major and minor versions of your Ops Manager instance and backing databases in the Ops Manager Resource Specification that the Kubernetes Operator uses to manage your deployment.


To maintain existing settings and availability, back up the following in your current Ops Manager instance:

  • Your to a secure location. The stores settings for the Ops Manager instance.

  • Your gen.key files to a secure location. The gen.key provides details to encrypt and decrypt Ops Manager's backing databases and user credentials. Ops Manager might delete these files as part of the upgrade process.

As an extra precaution, you may use mongodump to create a binary export of the Application Database. No officially supported backup method exists for the Application Database. If the upgrade fails, reach out to MongoDB Support for help fixing the issue with the Ops Manager version.

  1. Upgrade Ops Manager by following the considerations, prerequisites, and procedure in Upgrade Ops Manager.

  2. Reference Use a Compatible MongoDB Version to ensure your backing databases use a MongoDB version that is compatible with the new Ops Manager version.

  3. If you need to upgrade your backing databases to a compatible MongoDB version, see Upgrade MongoDB Version and FCV.

To update Ops Manager from 5.0 to 6.0 and the application database to MongoDB 4.4.18-ent, complete the following steps:

  1. Set spec.version to the new Ops Manager version.

  2. If you upgraded your application database, set spec.applicationDatabase.version to the compatible MongoDB version.

  1. (Optional) If you might need to downgrade, set spec.featureCompatibilityVersion.

2kind: MongoDBOpsManager
4 name: om
6 replicas: 1
7 version: "6.0.18"
8 adminCredentials: ops-manager-admin
9 configuration:
10 mms.fromEmailAddr:
11 "false"
12 backup:
13 enabled: true
14 encryption:
15 kmip:
16 server:
17 url:
18 ca: mongodb-kmip-certificate-authority-pem
19 headDB:
20 storage: "30Gi"
21 labelSelector:
22 matchLabels:
23 app: my-app
24 opLogStores:
25 - name: oplog1
26 # Sets labels for the oplog store.
27 assignmentLabels: ["test1", "test2"]
28 mongodbResourceRef:
29 name: my-oplog-db
30 mongodbUserRef:
31 name: my-oplog-user
32 s3Stores:
33 - name: s3store1
34 # Sets labels for the S3 store.
35 assignmentLabels: ["test1", "test2"]
37 mongodbResourceRef:
38 name: my-s3-metadata-db
39 mongodbUserRef:
40 name: my-s3-store-user
41 s3SecretRef:
42 name: my-s3-credentials
43 pathStyleAccessEnabled: true
44 s3BucketEndpoint:
45 s3BucketName: my-bucket
47 applicationDatabase:
48 passwordSecretKeyRef:
49 name: om-db-user-secret
50 key: password
51 members: 3
52 topology: SingleCluster
53 version: "6.0.5-ubi8"
kubectl apply -f <om-resource-specification>.yaml

Kubernetes automatically reconfigures your deployment with the new specifications. You can see these changes reflected in your Ops Manager or Cloud Manager application.


Use Local Mode

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