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MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator

Troubleshoot the Kubernetes Operator

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This section is for single Kubernetes cluster deployments only. For multi-Kubernetes-cluster deployments, see Troubleshoot Deployments with Multiple Kubernetes Clusters.

To find the status of a resource deployed with the Kubernetes Operator, invoke one of the following commands:

  • For Ops Manager resource deployments:

    kubectl get <resource-name> -n <metadata.namespace> -o yaml
    • The status.applicationDatabase.phase field displays the Application Database resource deployment status.

    • The status.backup.phase displays the backup daemon resource deployment status.

    • The status.opsManager.phase field displays the Ops Manager resource deployment status.


    The Cloud Manager or Ops Manager controller watches the database resources defined in the following settings:

  • For MongoDB resource deployments:

    kubectl get mdb <resource-name> -n <metadata.namespace> -o yaml

    The status.phase field displays the MongoDB resource deployment status.

The following key-value pairs describe the resource deployment statuses:

Message explaining why the resource is in a Pending or Failed state.

The Kubernetes Operator is unable to reconcile the resource deployment state. This happens when a reconciliation times out or if the Kubernetes Operator requires you to take action for the resource to enter a running state.

If a resource is pending because a reconciliation timed out, the Kubernetes Operator attempts to reconcile the resource state in 10 seconds.


The Kubernetes Operator is reconciling the resource state.

Resources enter this state after you create or update them or if the Kubernetes Operator is attempting to reconcile a resource previously in a Failed state.

The Kubernetes Operator attempts to reconcile the resource state in 10 seconds.

The resource is running properly.

The resource is not running properly. The message field provides additional details.

The Kubernetes Operator attempts to reconcile the resource state in 10 seconds.

Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the last reconciliation happened.
Deployment URL in Ops Manager.
If you enabled continuous backups with spec.backup.mode in Kubernetes for your MongoDB resource, this field indicates the status of the backup, such as backup.statusName:"STARTED". Possible values are STARTED, STOPPED, and TERMINATED.
Resource specific fields
For descriptions of these fields, see MongoDB Database Resource Specification.


To see the status of a replica set named my-replica-set in the developer namespace, run:

kubectl get mdb my-replica-set -n developer -o yaml

If my-replica-set is running, you should see:

lastTransition: "2019-01-30T10:51:40Z"
members: 1
phase: Running
version: 4.2.2-ent

If my-replica-set is not running, you should see:

lastTransition: 2019-02-01T13:00:24Z
members: 1
message: 'Failed to create/update replica set in Ops Manager: Status: 400 (Bad Request),
Detail: Something went wrong validating your Automation Config. Sorry!'
phase: Failed
version: 4.2.2-ent

Keep and review adequate logs to help debug issues and monitor cluster activity. Use the recommended logging architecture to retain Pod logs even after a Pod is deleted.

The Kubernetes Operator writes to the Pod logs by using a wrapper that converts logs from the MongoDB Agent and mongod components on the database deployment Pod into a structured logging entry in the following JSON format:

{ "logType": "<log-type>", "contents": "<log line from a log file>" }

The Kubernetes Operator supports the following log types:

  • automation-agent-verbose

  • automation-agent-stderr

  • mongodb

  • mongodb-audit

  • agent-launcher-script

  • automation-agent

  • monitoring-agent

  • backup-agent

When you read logs from a database container, the Kubernetes Operator returns the structured JSON entry that contains logs from different sources.

To review the Kubernetes Operator logs, invoke this command:

kubectl logs -f deployment/mongodb-enterprise-operator -n <metadata.namespace>

You could check the Ops Manager Logs as well to see if any issues were reported to Ops Manager.

To find which pods are available, invoke this command first:

kubectl get pods -n <metadata.namespace>


See also:

Kubernetes documentation on kubectl get.

If you want to narrow your review to a specific Pod, you can invoke this command:

kubectl logs <podName> -n <metadata.namespace>


If your replica set is labeled myrs, run:

kubectl logs myrs-0 -n <metadata.namespace>

This returns the Automation Agent Log for this replica set.

You can narrow your review to a specific log type. For example, the following command returns audit logs from the Kubernetes logs of the specified Pod by specifying the mongodb-audit log type:

kubectl logs -c mongodb-enterprise-database replica-set-0 | jq -r 'select(.logType == "mongodb-audit") | .contents'

The command returns an entry similar to the following output:

{{{ "atype":"startup","ts":{"$date":"2023-08-30T20:43:54.649+00:00"},"uuid":{"$binary":"oDcPEY69R1yiUtpMupaXOQ==","$type":"04"},"local":{"isSystemUser":true},"remote":{"isSystemUser":true},"users":[],"roles":[],"param":{"options":{"auditLog":{"destination":"file","format":"JSON","path":"/var/log/mongodb-mms-automation/mongodb-audit.log"},"config":"/data/automation-mongod.conf","net":{"bindIp":"","port":27017,"tls":{"mode":"disabled"}},"processManagement":{"fork":true},"replication":{"replSetName":"replica-set"},"storage":{"dbPath":"/data","engine":"wiredTiger"},"systemLog":{"destination":"file","path":"/var/log/mongodb-mms-automation/mongodb.log"}}},"result":0}

To include audit logs in the Kubernetes Pod's logs, add the following additionalMongodConfig.auditLog configuration to your resource definition. You can update the provided file name as needed.

destination: file
format: JSON
path: /var/log/mongodb-mms-automation/mongodb-audit.log

The Kubernetes Operator uses a validation Webhook to prevent users from applying invalid resource definitions. The webhook rejects invalid requests.

The ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding for the webhook are included in the default configuration files that you apply during the installation. To create the role and binding, you must have cluster-admin privileges.

If you create an invalid resource definition, the webhook returns a message similar to the following that describes the error to the shell:

error when creating "my-ops-manager.yaml":
admission webhook "" denied the request:
shardPodSpec field is not configurable for application databases as
it is for sharded clusters and appdb replica sets

When the Kubernetes Operator reconciles each resource, it also validates that resource. The Kubernetes Operator doesn't require the validation webhook to create or update resources.

If you omit the validation webhook, or if you remove the webhook's role and binding from the default configuration, or have insufficient privileges to run the configuration, the Kubernetes Operator issues warnings, as these are not critical errors. If the Kubernetes Operator encounters a critical error, it marks the resource as Failed.


GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) deployments

GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) has a known issue with the webhook when deploying to private clusters. To learn more, see Update Google Firewall Rules to Fix WebHook Issues.

To view all MongoDB resource specifications in the provided namespace:

kubectl get mdb -n <metadata.namespace>


To read details about the dublin standalone resource, run this command:

kubectl get mdb dublin -n <metadata.namespace> -o yaml

This returns the following response:

kind: MongoDB
annotations: |
clusterDomain: ""
creationTimestamp: 2018-09-12T17:15:32Z
generation: 1
name: dublin
namespace: mongodb
resourceVersion: "337269"
selfLink: /apis/
uid: 7442095b-b6af-11e8-87df-0800271b001d
credentials: my-credentials
type: Standalone
persistent: false
project: my-om-config
version: 4.2.2-ent

A StatefulSet Pod may hang with a status of Pending if it encounters an error during deployment.

Pending Pods do not automatically terminate, even if you make and apply configuration changes to resolve the error.

To return the StatefulSet to a healthy state, apply the configuration changes to the MongoDB resource in the Pending state, then delete those pods.


A host system has a number of running Pods:

kubectl get pods
my-replica-set-0 1/1 Running 2 2h
my-replica-set-1 1/1 Running 2 2h
my-replica-set-2 0/1 Pending 0 2h

my-replica-set-2 is stuck in the Pending stage. To gather more data on the error, run:

kubectl describe pod my-replica-set-2
<describe output omitted>
Warning FailedScheduling 15s (x3691 over 3h) default-scheduler
0/3 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had taints that the pod
didn't tolerate, 2 Insufficient memory.

The output indicates an error in memory allocation.

Updating the memory allocations in the MongoDB resource is insufficient, as the pod does not terminate automatically after applying configuration updates.

To remedy this issue, update the configuration, apply the configuration, then delete the hung pod:

vi <my-replica-set>.yaml
kubectl apply -f <my-replica-set>.yaml
kubectl delete pod my-replica-set-2

Once this hung pod is deleted, the other pods restart with your new configuration as part of rolling upgrade of the Statefulset.


To learn more about this issue, see Kubernetes Issue 67250.

If you cannot modify or redeploy an already-deployed resource ConfigMap file using the kubectl apply command, run:

kubectl replace -f <my-config-map>.yaml

This deletes and re-creates the ConfigMap resource file.

This command is useful in cases where you want to make an immediate recursive change, or you need to update resource files that cannot be updated once initialized.


To remove any component, you need the following permissions:

  • mongodb-enterprise-operator-mongodb-webhook

  • mongodb-enterprise-operator-mongodb-certs

  • mongodb-enterprise-operator-mongodb-webhook-binding

  • mongodb-enterprise-operator-mongodb-certs

To remove any instance that Kubernetes deployed, you must use Kubernetes.


  • You can use only the Kubernetes Operator to remove Kubernetes-deployed instances. If you use Ops Manager to remove the instance, Ops Manager throws an error.

  • Deleting a MongoDB resource doesn't remove it from the Ops Manager UI. You must remove the resource from Ops Manager manually. To learn more, see Remove a Process from Monitoring.

  • Deleting a MongoDB resource for which you enabled backup doesn't delete the resource's snapshots. You must delete snapshots in Ops Manager.


To remove a single MongoDB instance you created using Kubernetes:

kubectl delete mdb <name> -n <metadata.namespace>

To remove all MongoDB instances you created using Kubernetes:

kubectl delete mdb --all -n <metadata.namespace>

To remove the Kubernetes Operator:

  1. Remove all Kubernetes resources:

    kubectl delete mdb --all -n <metadata.namespace>
  2. Remove the Kubernetes Operator:

    kubectl delete deployment mongodb-enterprise-operator -n <metadata.namespace>

To remove the CustomResourceDefinitions:

  1. Remove all Kubernetes resources:

    kubectl delete mdb --all -n <metadata.namespace>
  2. Remove the CustomResourceDefinitions:

    kubectl delete crd
    kubectl delete crd
    kubectl delete crd

To remove the namespace:

  1. Remove all Kubernetes resources:

    kubectl delete mdb --all -n <metadata.namespace>
  2. Remove the namespace:

    kubectl delete namespace <metadata.namespace>

If you accidentally delete the MongoDB replica set Pod and its Persistent Volume Claim, the Kubernetes Operator fails to reschedule the MongoDB Pod and issues the following error message:

scheduler error: pvc not found to schedule the pod

To recover from this error, you must manually create a new PVC with the PVC object's name that corresponds to this replica set Pod, such as data-<replicaset-pod-name>.

When you manage an Ops Manager project through the Kubernetes Operator, the Kubernetes Operator places the EXTERNALLY_MANAGED_LOCK feature control policy on the project. This policy disables certain features in the Ops Manager application that might compromise your Kubernetes Operator configuration. If you need to use these blocked features, you can remove the policy through the feature controls API, make changes in the Ops Manager application, and then restore the original policy through the API.


The following procedure enables you to use features in the Ops Manager application that are otherwise blocked by the Kubernetes Operator.

  1. Retrieve the feature control policies for your Ops Manager project.

    curl --user "{USERNAME}:{APIKEY}" --digest \
    --header "Accept: application/json" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --include \
    --request GET "https://{OPSMANAGER-HOST}:{PORT}/api/public/v1.0/groups/{PROJECT-ID}/controlledFeature?pretty=true"

    Save the response that the API returns. After you make changes in the Ops Manager application, you must add these policies back to the project.


    Note the highlighted fields and values in the following sample response. You must send these same fields and values in later steps when you remove and add feature control policies.

    The externalManagementSystem.version field corresponds to the Kubernetes Operator version. You must send the exact same field value in your requests later in this task.

    Your response should be similar to:

    "created": "2020-02-25T04:09:42Z",
    "externalManagementSystem": {
    "name": "mongodb-enterprise-operator",
    "systemId": null,
    "version": "1.4.2"
    "policies": [
    "disabledParams": [],
    "disabledParams": [],
    "updated": "2020-02-25T04:10:12Z"
  2. Update the policies array with an empty list:


    The values you provide for the externalManagementSystem object, like the externalManagementSystem.version field, must match values that you received in the response in Step 1.

    curl --user "{USERNAME}:{APIKEY}" --digest \
    --header "Accept: application/json" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --include \
    --request PUT "https://{OPSMANAGER-HOST}:{PORT}/api/public/v1.0/groups/{PROJECT-ID}/controlledFeature?pretty=true" \
    "externalManagementSystem": {
    "name": "mongodb-enterprise-operator",
    "systemId": null,
    "version": "1.4.2"
    "policies": []

    The previously blocked features are now available in the Ops Manager application.

  3. Make your changes in the Ops Manager application.

  4. Update the policies array with the original feature control policies:


    The values you provide for the externalManagementSystem object, like the externalManagementSystem.version field, must match values that you received in the response in Step 1.

    curl --user "{USERNAME}:{APIKEY}" --digest \
    --header "Accept: application/json" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --include \
    --request PUT "https://{OPSMANAGER-HOST}:{PORT}/api/public/v1.0/groups/{PROJECT-ID}/controlledFeature?pretty=true" \
    "externalManagementSystem": {
    "name": "mongodb-enterprise-operator",
    "systemId": null,
    "version": "1.4.2"
    "policies": [
    "disabledParams": [],
    "disabledParams": [],

    The features are now blocked again, preventing you from making further changes through the Ops Manager application. However, the Kubernetes Operator retains any changes you made in the Ops Manager application while features were available.

A container might fail with an error that results in Kubernetes restarting that container in a loop.

You may need to interact with that container to inspect files or run commands. This requires you to prevent the container from restarting.

  1. In your preferred text editor, open the MongoDB resource you need to repair.

  2. To this resource, add a podSpec collection that resembles the following.

    - name: mongodb-enterprise-database
    command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "Hello!" && sleep 3600' ]

    The sleep command in the spec.podSpec.podTemplate.spec instructs the container to wait for the number of seconds you specify. In this example, the container will wait for 1 hour.

  3. Apply this change to the resource.

    kubectl apply -f <resource>.yaml
  4. Invoke the shell inside the container.

    kubectl exec -it <pod-name> bash

A MongoDB replica set or sharded cluster may fail to reach the READY state if the TLS certificate is invalid.

When you configure TLS for MongoDB replica sets or sharded clusters, verify that you specify a valid certificate.

If you don't specify the correct Domain Name for each TLS certificate, the Kubernetes Operator logs may contain an error message similar to the following, where foo.svc.local is the incorrectly-specified Domain Name for the cluster member's Pod:

TLS attempt failed : x509: certificate is valid for foo.svc.local,
not mongo-0-0.mongo-0.mongodb.svc.cluster.local

Each certificate should include a valid Domain Name.

For each replica set or sharded cluster member, the Common Name, also known as the Domain Name, for that member's certificate must match the FQDN of the pod this cluster member is deployed on.

The FQDN name in each certificate has the following syntax: pod-name.service-name.namespace.svc.cluster.local. This name is different for each Pod hosting a member of the replica set or a sharded cluster.

For example, for a member of a replica set deployed on a Pod with the name rs-mongos-0-0, in the Kubernetes Operator service named mongo-0 that is created in the default mongodb namespace, the FQDN is:


To check whether you have correctly configured TLS certificates:

  1. Run:

    kubectl logs -f <pod_name>
  2. Check for TLS-related messages in the Kubernetes Operator log files.

To learn more about TLS certificate requirements, see the prerequisites on the TLS-Encrypted Connections tab in Deploy a Replica Set or in Deploy a Sharded Cluster.

MongoDB CustomResource may fail to reach a Running state if Ops Manager is running in Local Mode and you specify either a version of MongoDB that doesn't exist, or a valid version of MongoDB for which Ops Manager deployed in local mode did not download a corresponding MongoDB archive.

If you specify a MongoDB version that doesn't exist, or a valid MongoDB version for which Ops Manager could not download a MongoDB archive, then even though the Pods can reach the READY state, the Kubernetes Operator logs contain an error message similar to the following:

Failed to create/update (Ops Manager reconciliation phase):
Status: 400 (Bad Request), Detail:
Invalid config: MongoDB <version> is not available.

This may mean that the MongoDB Agent could not successfully download a corresponding MongoDB binary to the /var/lib/mongodb-mms-automation directory. In cases when the MongoDB Agent can download the MongoDB binary for the specified MongoDB version successfully, this directory contains a MongoDB binary folder, such as mongodb-linux-x86_64-4.4.0.

To check whether a MongoDB binary folder is present:

  1. Specify the Pod's name to this command:

    kubectl exec --stdin --tty $<pod_name> /bin/sh
  2. Check whether a MongoDB binary folder is present in the /var/lib/mongodb-mms-automation directory.

  3. If you cannot locate a MongoDB binary folder, copy the MongoDB archive into the Ops Manager Persistent Volume for each deployed Ops Manager replica set.

You might receive the following error when you upgrade the Kubernetes Operator:

Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than
'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy' are forbidden

To resolve this error:

  1. Remove the old Kubernetes Operator deployment.

    kubectl delete deployment/mongodb-enterprise-operator -n <metadata.namespace>


    Removing the Kubernetes Operator deployment doesn’t affect the lifecycle of your MongoDB resources.

  2. Repeat the kubectl apply command to upgrade to the new version of the Kubernetes Operator.

You might receive the following error when you upgrade the Kubernetes Operator:

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "mongodb-enterprise-operator"
with kind Deployment: Deployment.apps "mongodb-enterprise-operator"
is invalid: ... field is immutable

To resolve this error:

  1. Remove the old Kubernetes Operator deployment.

    kubectl delete deployment/mongodb-enterprise-operator -n <metadata.namespace>


    Removing the Kubernetes Operator deployment doesn’t affect the lifecycle of your MongoDB resources.

  2. Repeat the helm command to upgrade to the new version of the Kubernetes Operator.

After you upgrade from Kubernetes Operator version 1.10 or earlier to a version 1.11 or later, your Kubernetes cluster might have two instances of the Kubernetes Operator deployed.

Use the get pods command to view your Kubernetes Operator pods:


If you deployed the Kubernetes Operator to OpenShift, replace the kubectl commands in this section with oc commands.

kubectl get pods

If the response contains both an enterprise-operator and a mongodb-enterprise-operator pod, your cluster has two Kubernetes Operator instances:

enterprise-operator-767884c9b4-ltkln 1/1 Running 0 122m
mongodb-enterprise-operator-6d69686679-9fzs7 1/1 Running 0 68m

You can safely remove the enterprise-operator deployment. Run the following command to remove it:

kubectl delete deployment/enterprise-operator

If a custom resource remains in a Pending or Failed state for a longer period of time, Kubernetes Operator automatically recovers your MongoDB resources by pushing the automation configuration to Ops Manager. This prevents a deadlock when the MongoDB Agent can't push an updated automation configuration change because the StatefulSet is stuck in a Pending state due to a previous push of an invalid automation configuration.

To configure automatic recovery, define the following environmental variables in your mongodb-enterprise.yaml file:


2 template:
3 spec:
4 serviceAccountName: mongodb-enterprise-operator
5 containers:
6 - name: mongodb-enterprise-operator
7 image: <operatorVersionUrl>
8 imagePullPolicy: <policyChoice>
9 env:
11 value: true
13 value: 1200

To learn how to define environment variables, see Define Environment Variables for a Container.


Release Notes