Recover the Sharded Cluster if the Operator Cluster is Operational
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If one of your Kubernetes clusters fails, but your operator cluster is available, and each of your MongoDB shard's replica sets and config server replica sets maintain a voting majority, you can use the Kubernetes Operator to reconfigure deployments of the Sharded Cluster.
Remove the failed cluster from the mongodb-enterprise-operator-member-list
When a member cluster is no longer operational, you must remove it from the
configmap containing the list of member clusters the Kubernetes Operator is managing.When you update the config map, the Kubernetes Operator restarts.
After the Kubernetes Operator restarts, without the failed member cluster in its configuration, the multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment custom resource referencing this failed cluster in its
reconciles correctly.Even though the failed member cluster is still referenced in the
, it is ignored during the reconciliation (other clusters are be reconciled normally). However, the failed memeber's processes are not removed from Ops Manager. Instead, they are ignored and shown in the Ops Manager UI as being in a down/stale state.
Manually scale down the replica set members in the failed cluster.
In order to reconfigure the deployment, you must first manually
scale down the replica set members deployed in the failed member clusters
to 0
. To do so, you can either remove the whole cluster element from clusterSpecList
or specify its members
count to 0
Sometimes it is not possible to correctly reconfigure the deployment when there are non-operational members of replica sets. In such a case, you must remove the failed processes first from both the shard and config server replica sets.