MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator Helm Installation Settings
On this page
- appDb.version
- database.version
- initAppDb.version
- initDatabase.version
- initOpsManager.version
- managedSecurityContext
- mongodb.appdbAssumeOldFormat
- mongodb.imageType
- multiCluster.clusterClientTimeout
- namespace
- needsCAInfrastructure
- operator.deployment_name
- operator.env
- operator.maxConcurrentReconciles
- operator.mdbDefaultArchitecture
- operator.telemetry
- operator.vaultSecretBackend.enabled
- operator.vaultSecretBackend.tlsSecretRef
- operator.version
- operator.watchNamespace
- operator.watchedResources
- registry.agent
- registry.appDb
- registry.imagePullSecrets
- registry.initAppDb
- registry.initOpsManager
- registry.operator
- registry.opsManager
- operator.resources.requests
- operator.resources.limits
- subresourceEnabled
- webhook.installClusterRole
To provide optional settings, pass them to Helm using the --set
Use the following files that list value settings for your deployment type:
Vanilla Kubernetes: values.yaml
OpenShift: values-openshift.yaml
To learn about optional Kubernetes Operator installation settings, see Operator Helm Installation Settings.
Run the command as in the following example and the options that you specified will be passed to your configuration:
helm upgrade enterprise-operator mongodb/enterprise-operator \ --set registry.pullPolicy='IfNotPresent'
Name of the MongoDB Agent image. This setting gets appended to registry.agent and sets the MDB_AGENT_IMAGE_REPOSITORY environment variable to the full URL from which the StatefulSet downloads the MongoDB Agent image for database deployments. To learn more, see Container Images.
The default value is mongodb-agent-ubi.
agent: name: mongodb-agent-ubi
Name of the Application Database image.
The default value is mongodb-enterprise-appdb.
appDb: name: mongodb-enterprise-appdb version:
Version of the image that contains the MongoDB Agent that the Application Database uses.
The default value is
appDb: name: mongodb-enterprise-appdb version:
Name of the MongoDB Enterprise Database image.
The default value is mongodb-enterprise-database.
database: name: mongodb-enterprise-database version: 1.32
Version of the MongoDB Enterprise Database image that the Kubernetes Operator deploys.
database: name: mongodb-enterprise-database version: 1.32
Name of the initContainer
image that contains the Application
Database start-up scripts and the readiness probe.
The default value is mongodb-enterprise-init-appdb.
database: name: mongodb-enterprise-init-appdb version: 1.32
Version of the initContainer
image that contains the Application
Database start-up scripts and the readiness probe.
The default value is 1.32.
database: name: mongodb-enterprise-init-appdb version: 1.32
Name of the initContainer
image that contains the MongoDB Agent
start-up scripts and the readiness probe.
The default value is mongodb-enterprise-init-database.
database: name: mongodb-enterprise-init-database version: 1.32
Version of the initContainer
image that contains the MongoDB Agent
start-up scripts and the readiness probe.
The default value is 1.32.
database: name: mongodb-enterprise-init-database version: 1.32
Version of the initContainer
image that contains the Ops Manager
start-up scripts and the readiness probe.
The default value is mongodb-enterprise-init-ops-manager.
database: name: mongodb-enterprise-init-ops-manager version: 1.32
Version of the initContainer
image that contains the Ops Manager
start-up scripts and the readiness probe.
The default value is 1.32.
database: name: mongodb-enterprise-init-ops-manager version: 1.32
Flag that determines whether or not the Kubernetes Operator inherits the securityContext settings that your Kubernetes cluster manages.
This value must be true if you want to run the Kubernetes Operator in OpenShift or in a restrictive environment.
The default value is false.
# Set this to true if your cluster is managing SecurityContext for you. # If running OpenShift (Cloud, Minishift, etc.), set this to true. managedSecurityContext: false
The default value is true.
# Set this to true if your cluster is managing SecurityContext for you. # If running OpenShift (Cloud, Minishift, etc.), set this to true. managedSecurityContext: true
In Kubernetes Operator 1.20, the container registry changed for the application database image and the images use a new tag suffix. When you upgrade the Kubernetes Operator, the Kubernetes Operator automatically updates the earlier suffix, -ent
, for all images that reference the new container registry to -ubi8
or the suffix set in MDB_IMAGE_TYPE or mongodb.imageType.
For example, the Kubernetes Operator changes
To stop the Kubernetes Operator from automatically updating the suffix, set MDB_APPDB_ASSUME_OLD_FORMAT or mongodb.appdbAssumeOldFormat to true
. For example, you might want to stop the automatic suffix change if you're mirroring this image from your own repository.
The default value is false
, which automatically updates the image suffix.
mongodb: appdbAssumeOldFormat: false
The suffix of the application database image.
In Kubernetes Operator 1.20, the container registry changed for the application database image and the images use a new tag suffix. When you upgrade the Kubernetes Operator, the Kubernetes Operator automatically updates the earlier suffix, -ent
, for all images that reference the new container registry to -ubi8
or the suffix set in MDB_IMAGE_TYPE or mongodb.imageType.
For example, the Kubernetes Operator changes
To stop the Kubernetes Operator from automatically updating the suffix, set MDB_APPDB_ASSUME_OLD_FORMAT or mongodb.appdbAssumeOldFormat to true
. For example, you might want to stop the automatic suffix change if you're mirroring this image from your own repository.
The default is ubi8
. We recommend using only ubi
images for consistency, but if you need to, you can change this setting to ubuntu2204
mongodb: imageType: ubi8
Time, in seconds, the Kubernetes Operator attempts to connect to a cluster's Kubernetes API server endpoint. This timeout is set for all Kubernetes clusters in multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployments. If the Kubernetes Operator doesn't get a response from the Kubernetes API server within the specified time, it logs the cluster's status as "unhealthy". To learn more, see Troubleshooting Kubernetes Clusters.
The default value is 10.
multiCluster: clusterClientTimeout: 10
namespaces in which you want to deploy the Kubernetes Operator.
To use a namespace other than the default, specify the namespace in which you want to deploy the Kubernetes Operator.
The default value is mongodb.
# Name of the Namespace to use namespace: mongodb
Determines whether Kubernetes creates a ClusterRole that allows the Kubernetes Operator to sign TLS certificates using the API.
needsCAInfrastructure: true
The default value is true.
Name of the Kubernetes Operator container.
The default value is mongodb-enterprise-operator.
operator: deployment_name: mongodb-enterprise-operator
Label for the Kubernetes Operators deployment environment. This value affects the default timeouts and the logging level and format:
If the value is | Log Level is set to | Log Format is set to |
| debug | text |
| info | json |
The default value is prod.
operator: # Execution environment for the operator, dev or prod. # Use dev for more verbose logging env: prod
The maximum number of concurrent reconciliatios the Kubernetes Operator can perform. It sets MaxConcurrentReconciles. To learn more, see the Kubernetes Operator Deploy Multiple MongoDB Replica Sets.
operator: # Control how many reconciles can be performed in parallel. # Increasing the number of concurrent reconciliations decreases the time needed to reconcile all watched resources, # but it might result in request load spikes and increased load on the Ops Manager API, and the Kubernetes API server generally. maxConcurrentReconciles: 10
Determines the container architecture used by all your deployments:
The default non-static containers that download the MongoDB binary at runtime, or
Static Containers (Public Preview) that are immutable at runtime.
The default is non-static
To enable static containers, set to static
This setting applies to all your deployments, including existing deployments.
To enable static containers for a single deployment,
the MongoDB resource instead.
operator.mdbDefaultArchitecture: static
Name that Kubernetes assigns to Kubernetes Operator objects, such as Deployments, ServiceAccounts, Roles, and Pods.
This value also corresponds to the name of the container registry where the Kubernetes Operator is located.
The default value is mongodb-enterprise-operator.
operator: name: mongodb-enterprise-operator
Enables the Kubernetes Operator to collect and send telemetry.
The default for the following settings is true
operator: telemetry: # Enables telemetry. Setting this to "false" will stop all telemetry. enabled: true # Adds RBAC clusterRole for kube-system UID detection for the Kubernetes cluster UID. # Adds RBAC clusterRole for RBAC for nodes. We are listing exactly one node to detect the cluster provider (for example, eks). # Adds RBAC clusterRole for /version query for detecting Kubernetes server version. installClusterRole: true collection: # Controls how often the Kubernetes Operator collects and saves the data to the telemetry ConfigMap. It doesn't control whether this data is sent to MongoDB for analysis. # Valid time units for frequency are "m", or "h". Anything less than one minute defaults to 1h. frequency: 1h # Enables the Kubernetes Operator to collect and send cluster-level telemetry. # Note: the cluster UUID is unique but random and MongoDB has no way to map this to a customer. clusters: enabled: true # Enables the Kubernetes Operator to collect and send deployment-level telemetry. deployments: enabled: true # Enables the Kubernetes Operator to collect and send Kubernetes Operator-level telemetry. operators: enabled: true # Enables sending the collected telemetry to MongoDB. send: enabled: true # Controls how often the Kubernetes Operator sends the collected the data to MongoDB for analysis. # Valid time units are "h". Anything less than one hour defaults to 168h, which is one week. frequency: 168h
Determines whether the Kubernetes Operator stores secrets in HashiCorp Vault. To learn more, see Set the Secret Storage Tool. If you are using TLS with Vault, you must also specify operator.vaultSecretBackend.tlsSecretRef.
The default value is false.
operator: # Set the following setting to "true" so that the MongoDB Kubernetes Operator stores secrets in Vault. vaultSecretBackend: false
Required if you are using TLS with Vault. The TLS secret used in
your Vault configuration that contains a ca.crt
The content of the ca.crt
entry must match the certificate of
the CA used to generate the Vault TLS certificates.
The Kubernetes Operator stores this TLS secret in its secret storage tool.
To learn more, see Configure Secret Storage.
Requires that operator.vaultSecretBackend.enabled
is set to true
operator: vaultSecretBackend: true tlsSecretRef: "vault-tls-secret"
Version of the Kubernetes Operator that you want to deploy.
The default value is 1.32.
operator: version: 1.32
Namespaces that the Kubernetes Operator watches for MongoDB
changes. If this namespace differs from the default, ensure that
the Kubernetes Operator ServiceAccount can access
this namespace.
To watch all namespaces, specify * and assign the ClusterRole to the
ServiceAccount that you use to run the Kubernetes Operator.To watch a subset of all namespaces, specify them in a comma-separated list, escape each comma with a backslash, and surround the list in quotes, such as
Watching a subset of namespaces is useful in deployments where a single
Kubernetes Operator instance watches a different cluster resource type.
For example, you can configure the Kubernetes Operator to watch MongoDB
in one subset of namespaces, and to watch MongoDBMultiCluster
resources in another
subset of namespaces. To avoid race conditions during resource reconciliation,
for each custom resource type that you want the Kubernetes Operator to watch,
ensure that you set scope to a distinct subset of namespaces.
To deploy Ops Manager and MongoDB
resources to one or more namespaces other
than the one where you deploy the Kubernetes Operator,
see Set Scope for MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator Deployment for values you must use and
additional steps you might have to perform.
The default value is <metadata.namespace>.
# Watch one namespace helm install enterprise-operator mongodb/enterprise-operator \ --set operator.watchNamespace='namespace-to-watch' <...>
# Watch both namespace-a and namespace-b helm install enterprise-operator mongodb/enterprise-operator \ --set operator.watchNamespace="namespace-a\,namespace-b"
# Operator with name `mongodb-enterprise-operator-qa-envs` will # watch ns-dev, ns-qa and ns-uat namespaces helm install mongodb-enterprise-operator-qa-envs mongodb/enterprise-operator \ --set operator.watchNamespace="ns-dev\,ns-qa\,ns-uat"
# Operator with name `mongodb-enterprise-operator-staging` will # watch ns-staging and ns-pre-prod helm install mongodb-operator helm-chart --set operator.watchNamespace="ns-staging\,ns-pre-prod" mongodb-enterprise-operator-staging
Custom resources that the Kubernetes Operator watches.
The Kubernetes Operator installs the CustomResourceDefinitions for and watches only the resources you specify.
The Kubernetes Operator accepts the following values:
Value | Description |
| Install the CustomResourceDefinitions for database resources and watch those resources. |
| Install the CustomResourceDefinitions for MongoDB user resources and watch those resources. |
| Install the CustomResourceDefinitions for Ops Manager resources and watch those resources. |
operator: watchedResources: - mongodbusers - mongodb - opsmanagers
Name of the Ops Manager image.
The default value is mongodb-enterprise-ops-manager.
opsManager: name: mongodb-enterprise-ops-manager
URL for the Quay container registry for MongoDB images. The gets appended and sets the MDB_AGENT_IMAGE_REPOSITORY environment variable to the full URL from which the StatefulSet downloads the MongoDB Agent image for database deployments. To learn more, see Container Images.
The default value is
registry: agent:
URL of the repository from which the Kubernetes Operator downloads the Application Database image.
The default value is
registry: appDb:
The default value is
registry: appDb:
secret that contains the credentials required to pull images from the repository.
OpenShift requires this setting. Define it in the
setting in this file or pass it when you install
the Kubernetes Operator using Helm.
If you use the Kubernetes Operator to deploy MongoDB resources to
multiple namespaces or with a
cluster-wide scope, create the secret
only in the namespace where you installed the Kubernetes Operator.
The Kubernetes Operator synchronizes the secret across all watched
registry: # Specify the secret in the ``imagePullSecrets`` setting. If you # use the MongoDB Kubernetes Operator to deploy MongoDB resources # into multiple namespaces, create the secret only in the namespace # where you installed the Operator. The Operator synchronizes # the secret across all watched namespaces. imagePullSecrets: <openshift-pull-secret>
URL of the repository from which the initContainer
image that
contains the Application Database start-up scripts and the readiness
probe is downloaded.
The default value is
registry: initAppDb:
The default value is
registry: initAppDb:
URL of the repository from which the initContainer
image that
contains the Ops Manager start-up scripts and the readiness probe is
The default value is
registry: initOpsManager:
The default value is
registry: initOpsManager:
Repository from which the Kubernetes Operator image is pulled. Specify this value if you want to pull the Kubernetes Operator image from a private repository.
The default value is
registry: operator:
The default value is
registry: operator:
URL of the repository from which the image for an Ops Manager resource is downloaded.
The default value is
registry: opsManager:
The default value is
registry: opsManager:
Specifications for the CPU and memory consumption limits of the Kubernetes Operator.
# operator cpu requests and limits resources: requests: cpu: 500m memory: 200Mi
Specifications for the CPU and memory consumption limits of the Kubernetes Operator.
# operator cpu requests and limits resources: limits: cpu: 1100m memory: 1Gi
Flag that indicates whether subresources can be defined in the Kubernetes Operator CustomResourceDefinition.
The default value is true.
subresourceEnabled: true
Flag allows you to configure user validating admission webhooks for Kubernetes cluster roles .
Set this flag to false
if your deployment doesn't allow Kubernetes cluster
The default value is true.
webhook: installClusterRole: false