On this page
In this guide, you can learn how to use documents in the MongoDB Kotlin driver.
A MongoDB document is a data structure that contains key/value fields in binary JSON (BSON) format. You can use documents and the data they contain in their fields to store data, and you can use them to issue commands or queries in MongoDB.
For more information on the terminology, structure, and limitations of documents, read our page on Documents in the MongoDB manual.
The MongoDB Kotlin driver and BSON library include the following classes that help you access and manipulate the BSON data in documents:
Name | Package | Implements Map | Recommended Usage |
| Yes, implements | When you want a flexible and concise data representation. |
| Yes, implements | When you need a type-safe API. |
| No | When you only want to work with JSON strings. |
While you can use any of these classes in your application, we recommend
that you use the Document
class since it can concisely represent
dynamically structured documents of any complexity. It implements the
Map<String, Object>
interface which enables it to use loosely-typed
The Document
class offers a flexible representation of a BSON document.
You can access and manipulate fields using Kotlin types from the standard
library with this class. See the following table for mappings between
frequently-used BSON and Kotlin types:
BSON type | Kotlin type |
Array |
Binary |
Boolean |
Date |
Document |
Double |
Int32 |
Int64 |
Null |
ObjectId |
String |
In the following code snippet, we show how to instantiate and build a sample
instance representing a document containing several
different field types:
val author = Document("_id", ObjectId()) .append("name", "Gabriel García Márquez") .append( "dateOfDeath", LocalDateTime.of(2014, 4, 17, 4, 0) ) .append( "novels", listOf( Document("title", "One Hundred Years of Solitude").append("yearPublished", 1967), Document("title", "Chronicle of a Death Foretold").append("yearPublished", 1981), Document("title", "Love in the Time of Cholera").append("yearPublished", 1985) ) )
To insert this document into a collection, instantiate a collection
using the getCollection()
method and call the insertOne operation as follows:
// val mongoClient = <code to instantiate your client> val database = mongoClient.getDatabase("fundamentals_data") val collection = database.getCollection<Document>("authors") val result = collection.insertOne(author)
Once you perform a successful insert, you can retrieve the sample document data from the collection using the following code:
val doc = collection.find(Filters.eq("name", "Gabriel García Márquez")).firstOrNull() doc?.let { println("_id: ${it.getObjectId("_id")}, name: ${it.getString("name")}, dateOfDeath: ${it.getDate("dateOfDeath")}") it.getList("novels", { novel -> println("title: ${novel.getString("title")}, yearPublished: ${novel.getInteger("yearPublished")}") } }
_id: 5fb5fad05f734e3794741a35, name: Gabriel García Márquez, dateOfDeath: Thu Apr 17 00:00:00 EDT 2014 title: One Hundred Years of Solitude, yearPublished: 1967 title: Chronicle of a Death Foretold, yearPublished: 1981 title: Love in the Time of Cholera, yearPublished: 1985
The preceding code sample uses helper methods that check the returned type
and throw an exception if it is unable to cast the field value.
You can call the get()
method to retrieve values as type
and to skip type checking.
For more information on retrieving and manipulating MongoDB data, see our CRUD guide.
For more information about the methods and classes mentioned in this section, see the following API Documentation:
The BsonDocument
class provides a type-safe API to access and manipulate
a BSON document. You need to specify the BSON type from the BSON
library for each field. See the following table for mappings between
frequently-used BSON and BSON library types:
BSON type | BSON library type |
Array |
Binary |
Boolean |
Date (long value) |
Document |
Double |
Int32 |
Int64 |
Null |
ObjectId |
String |
In the following code snippet, we show how to instantiate and build a sample
instance representing a document containing several
different field types:
val author = BsonDocument() .append("_id", BsonObjectId()) .append("name", BsonString("Gabriel García Márquez")) .append( "dateOfDeath", BsonDateTime( LocalDateTime.of(2014, 4, 17, 0, 0).atZone(ZoneId.of("America/New_York")).toInstant().toEpochMilli() ) ) .append( "novels", BsonArray( listOf( BsonDocument().append("title", BsonString("One Hundred Years of Solitude")) .append("yearPublished", BsonInt32(1967)), BsonDocument().append("title", BsonString("Chronicle of a Death Foretold")) .append("yearPublished", BsonInt32(1981)), BsonDocument().append("title", BsonString("Love in the Time of Cholera")) .append("yearPublished", BsonInt32(1985)) ) ) )
To insert this document into a collection, instantiate a collection
using the getCollection()
method specifying the BsonDocument
class as the documentClass
parameter. Then, call the
insertOne operation as follows:
// val mongoClient = <code to instantiate your client> val database = mongoClient.getDatabase("fundamentals_data") val collection = database.getCollection<BsonDocument>("authors") val result: InsertOneResult = collection.insertOne(author)
Once you perform a successful insert, you can retrieve the sample document data from the collection using the following code:
// <MongoCollection setup code here> val doc = collection.find(Filters.eq("name", "Gabriel García Márquez")).firstOrNull() doc?.let { println("_id: ${it.getObjectId("_id").value}, name: ${it.getString("name").value}, dateOfDeath: ${Instant.ofEpochMilli(it.getDateTime("dateOfDeath").value).atZone(ZoneId.of("America/New_York")).toLocalDateTime()}") it.getArray("novels").forEach { novel -> val novelDocument = novel.asDocument() println("title: ${novelDocument.getString("title").value}, yearPublished: ${novelDocument.getInt32("yearPublished").value}") } }
_id: 5fb5fad05f734e3794741a35, name: Gabriel García Márquez, dateOfDeath: 2014-04-17T00:00 title: One Hundred Years of Solitude, yearPublished: 1967 title: Chronicle of a Death Foretold, yearPublished: 1981 title: Love in the Time of Cholera, yearPublished: 1985
The preceding code sample uses helper methods that check the returned type
and throw a BsonInvalidOperationException
if it is unable to cast
the field value. You can call the get()
method to retrieve values as type
and to skip type checking.
For more information about the methods and classes mentioned in this section, see the following API Documentation:
The JsonObject
class acts as a wrapper for JSON strings.
If you only want to work with JSON data, you can use JsonObject
to avoid unnecessary data conversion to a Map
By default, JsonObject
stores Extended JSON.
You can customize the format of JSON in JsonObject
by specifying a
and passing it a JsonWriterSettings
object. For more information on JSON formats, see
our Extended JSON guide.
In the following code snippet, we show how to instantiate a sample JsonObject
instance wrapping an Extended JSON string containing different types of key value pairs:
val ejsonStr = """ {"_id": {"${"$"}oid": "6035210f35bd203721c3eab8"}, "name": "Gabriel García Márquez", "dateOfDeath": {"${"$"}date": "2014-04-17T04:00:00Z"}, "novels": [ {"title": "One Hundred Years of Solitude","yearPublished": 1967}, {"title": "Chronicle of a Death Foretold","yearPublished": 1981}, {"title": "Love in the Time of Cholera","yearPublished": 1985}]} """.trimIndent() val author = JsonObject(ejsonStr)
To insert this document into a collection, instantiate a collection
using the getCollection()
method specifying the JsonObject
as the documentClass
parameter. Then, call the
insertOne operation as follows:
// val mongoClient = <code to instantiate your client>; val database = mongoClient.getDatabase("fundamentals_data") val collection= database.getCollection<JsonObject>("authors") val result = collection.insertOne(author)
Once you perform a successful insert, you can retrieve the sample JSON data from the
collection. While you can use any class that extends Bson
to specify your query,
here is how to query your data using a JsonObject
// val mongoClient = <code to instantiate your client>; val query = JsonObject("{\"name\": \"Gabriel Garc\\u00eda M\\u00e1rquez\"}") val jsonResult = collection.find(query).firstOrNull() jsonResult?.let { println("query result in extended json format: " + jsonResult.json) }
query result in extended json format: {"_id": {"$oid": "6035210f35bd203721c3eab8"}, "name": "Gabriel García Márquez", "dateOfDeath": {"$date": "2014-04-17T04:00:00Z"}, "novels": [{"title": "One Hundred Years of Solitude", "yearPublished": 1967}, {"title": "Chronicle of a Death Foretold", "yearPublished": 1981}, {"title": "Love in the Time of Cholera", "yearPublished": 1985}]}
For more information about the methods and classes mentioned in this section, see the following API Documentation:
In this guide, we covered the following topics on classes you can use to work with BSON data:
Described Kotlin classes you can use to work with MongoDB documents and why you might prefer one over the other.
Provided usage examples for each class on building documents containing multiple types, inserting them into a collection, and retrieving/accessing their typed fields.